It sounds like you're in a delicious situation to absolutely terrify those kids. Here's what I'm thinking:
It's 4am and you're laying still under a pile of leaves in your yard. Your friend/whoever is waiting around the corner in a black Chevy Suburban. In the back of the Suburban are four more people, dressed in all black with balaclavas on.
The teens come to the door. Your outside light flickers and goes out. Maybe a hidden fog machine kicks on. They hear the sound of a pistol being racked. The door handle starts to turn from the inside, then whips open to reveal someone in all black/masked. The teens run, straight towards you.
You pop up, dressed the same. They change direction to be greeted by the Suburban screeching to a halt as everyone in it charges out and surrounds the teens, screaming commands such as "GET ON THE GROUND" and "HANDS ON YOUR HEAD". They start crying. Maybe one pisses himself.
From here, you get to choose. You could zip tie them up and leave them somewhere. You could throw bags over their heads, drive them out into the state forest and leave them. Your call - don't be afraid to get creative with it!
Or you could be super boring about it and just whip the door open and pepper spray them. Self defense man.
Amazon sells kits to get your own PS5 for $10.
Have fun at the snow bank ;)
If you live in the Us you can make do in just under 300$