You might like the Saving Dinner cookbook. It has weekly meal plans with shopping lists for the week.
Don't feel like you have to follow everything to the letter. There were meals containing foods we don't like so I would just substitute something else.
I used to do pretty rigorous meal planning - it eliminated the 5 o'clock "what are we going to have for dinner...I'm tired...Why me..." feeling that leads to some unhealthy eating. The plan was posted in the kitchen so whoever got there first could get started. Now that we are empty-nesters, I make a sort of plan for the coming week on Sundays based on what we have on hand. Husband cooks breakfast and I'm responsible for dinner plan and making sure lunch stuff is on hand (we work at home, for years now). I have a big freezer so there's at least one of everything we might want for dinner in there (steak? chicken of some kind? pork chops? Ground beef? Roast?) so I don't make a weekly shopping list, just top up what we have used every 2 weeks.
These days my plans have to include whatever I got from the community garden I belong to. Today it was 8 cucumbers, 5 eggplant, a mess of field peas, and 2 yellow squash as well as some peppers. I'm thinking eggplant moussaka casserole...
Saving dinner is a cookbook series that will walk you through every recipe ELI5. You don't have to shop a week at a time, but it is an option with shopping lists if you want. I don't know much about the email version.