It is no no where near $800 to fix the saw once triggered. I got a few cartridges last year for like $70 each.
*edit to prove the troll below wrong
Saw stop cartridge purchasable today with free shipping for $79
Did a quick Google hunt, seems you can get a 10" SawStop cartridge as cheap as $70 on Amazon, but the specialty ones seem to be slightly more expensive.
You can buy replacement brake cartridges (the only part that gets destroyed and needs replacing) on Amazon for 70 bucks. So the initial investment is having to buy the Sawstop at whatever price the guy is charging for his custom saw but after that it's only 70 bucks per finger not lost. Not a bad deal. Also he only makes the saws himself because he has to because no hardware company wanted to take on the risk of his idea potentially failing one time on one of their saws and them having to deal with the lawsuit. He never wanted to manufacture saws but when no one else would take it on decided it needed to be available to people and took it upon himself to do so. I saw a Youtube video about the SawStop once and then went down a bender of videos regarding the product because I thought it was so cool.
They're around $90-110 depending on size. I've gone through about 6. While annoying, every time I've set one off it was my fault. Wet wood, metal debris I didn't know about, etc.
One time a friend set one off after a kickback and his hand did go into the blade, and it worked perfectly.
I'm happy to pay $100 if that means I won't lose my hand, or worse.
It does not destroy the whole saw. There is a replaceable breaking mech that needs to be replaced ($80 I think) and the blade needs to be replaces (varies but say $100)
My dad ended up putting a hinge with a board about 1x2 over the power controls. Drill a big enough hole to put your finger through to power it on, then a dowel or screw just over the off button. The board ran to the ground so all he has to do is slightly kick the end of the board to shut off the saw. Really simple and cheap way to hit the stop button quickly.
If you haven’t seen them already, there’s a product called sawstop. SawStop TSBC-10R2 Table Saw Brake Cartridge for 10-Inch Blades I think this is amazing. If you watch videos and look at their Instagram page you’ll see how they work and people that have had them work. You’re left with basically a scratch. It completes a current when you touch the blade then jams and aluminum block to the blade stopping it and then sucks the blade down. I don’t know which saws it fits though and the only other draw back is you need a new blade after and it may trigger on wet wood.
Better to kill the SawStop and blade than to lose a finger or worse. And the part of the StopSaw that gets destroyed is only $70.00
(I don't link well)
SawStop TSBC-10R2 Table Saw Brake Cartridge For 10" Blades для дадо - на 20 дороже.
Мокрую фанеру можете пилить лобзиком. Пальцы будут целее.
$1200? what sort of blade are you using in your saw? The brake assembly is $100
A 12" blade is $50-200 depending on how fancy it is.
Not sure why they are marking them up to $115. They are $79 everywhere else -
Nope $70. Dado cartridges are a bit more expensive
aluminum. Not truly solid, either, it is drilled out to accept the blade and deform.
Yup. You blow a 70 dollar cartridge plus wreck your blade: