I KNOW! I used that shit years ago unknowingly and it pretty much destroyed some of my gear. Anyway, after some looking into alternatives a while back I ended up settling on Picaridin. There’s this stuff made by Sawyer listed on Amazon that I used the whole time while there. I can’t vouch for how it stands up against Deet, because I didn’t do a side-by-side or anything, but at least I know that you won’t have to worry about stuff getting ruined. I’m pretty sure it’s what they tend to use very commonly in Europe.
You can also try this somewhat newer (80's) and less toxic (won't melt your nylon gear) spray called Picaridin:
I've found it as effective as DEET in my tests this summer.
Higher concentrations of DEET do nothing for you except to help kick in any side effects or adverse reactions. You want it to be 15-30% concentration.
And I'll add my voice to not relying on Citronella. Anecdotes about it is not the same as actual testing.
Here are the top rated repellents on Amazon:
Sawyer Picaridin insect repellent (Picaridin)
Ben's 30% Deet Tick & Insect Wilderness Formula
Repel Lemon Eucalyptus insect repellent
You can search around to find different sizes and pump v. aerosol. You may not want or be allowed to take an aerosol can on a plane or into the park.
Godsend last week camping. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015KG5NK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Is there a specific type of bug spray that you use? Something like this?