If you're dealing with narcissistic personality disorder / borderline personality disorder spouse / ex, please do yourself a big favour and read "Say Goodbye to Crazy". Amazing book - basically the playbook for NPD/BPD. https://www.amazon.com/Say-Goodbye-Crazy-Restore-Sanity/dp/1514683814/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533916489&sr=8-1&keywords=say+goodbye+to+crazy
Thank you for the feedback, and that is certainly one way to look at it. I hate her so much... thaaaaaat I just don't care anymore.
After being cheated on, losing everything (house, job, 401k, +forced adult adoption (alimony), psychological abuse, on and on)). Reading countless books on forgiveness and understanding that is for me and peace within...its kinda BS.
I've eaten more shit sandwiches (high road) than Jimmy John's could crank out in a year.
I have a great relationship with my kids.
The point is... the best advice I have ever received is to care less. this helped me a lot. I'm not ready to make nice.
TLDR: I don't care... and make sure you checkout: https://www.amazon.com/Say-Goodbye-Crazy-Restore-Sanity/dp/1514683814/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1479920289&sr=8-7&keywords=crazy+ex a lot of good tools here.
If the ex is HCBM Say Goodbye to Crazy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514683814/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_ZVWANAV6HQ1Q36QYKP5E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I strongly recommend this book even though the title is not necessarily directed to you.
Unfortunately, most custody litigation is a marathon and not a sprint. You need to be prepared for this so you don't burn out early.
Check out this article: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/biff-responses Read this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514683814/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_L4YaGbFH62QM2
We just finished Say Goodbye to Crazy: How to Get Rid of His Crazy Ex and Restore Sanity to Your Life https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514683814/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_-M7HxbJ9EE8QT book and of all the books I've read, this has been the most helpful.
We have two high conflict exes, who actually collaborate together despite my ex being strictly forbidden by our parenting facilitator to have contact with her (her = DH's ex wife). ExH bcc's her on emails, etc. they are ridiculous.
They are also both very wordy, reactive, and angry. A fun combo.
After reading that book we've dropped the last F from BIFF (now it's just Brief Informative and Factual), 3 sentences or less, responding ONLY if necessary and after 24-48 hours has passed since you read the email. Zero sharing of opinion, emotion, anything.
For example, BM mailed a 3 page, single spaced, TYPED, certified letter to DH's work (because God forbid she acknowledge our home exists) letting him know all the reasons why he is a selfish, horrible person, how awful we both are, how lucky the kids are to have her and their stepdad in their lives, (falsely) accused DH of trespassing and violating the decree by not advising her of our summer travel plans. None of that is true or required, but she thinks it is and put it in writing. Somewhere in there she included her summer vacation dates, then went off again about broken promises and how he should give her more than court ordered cs because blah blah blah.
His response? An email back confirming her summer vacation dates. One sentence.
Ever since we've completely ignored 99% of her emails, respond ONLY to the most necessary and ignore her accusations of stalking, harassment, trespassing (by dropping off one of the kids' retainers, btw. Kid came out to the car to get it-didn't even step out of the car), financially negligent we are by not going above and beyond the decree, etc etc. Now she adds how he refuses to coparent by ignoring her attempts to communicate and tells the kids how their dad won't talk to her even though she tries ������
Same sad story with my ex.
Don't feed the drama llama.