I read a recent meta analysis paper on various scar treatments and they reported that silicon provided the best clear results. I verified that with a pharmacist and dermatologist. Based on that I purchased ScarAway (ScarAway Scar Diminishing Gel, 10 Gram https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X17LJF9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_GA6651QASBZ49G3P0KZV) and have been applying it twice daily. Since I have no control (I'm unwilling to not apply to the have control!) I have no way of saying if is helping or not but the scar is healing nicely. Applying it your self can be difficult so it is best if you can have a friend help.
I’ve used this gel on my son’s dog bite scars nightly and in a few months those things went from reddish-purple to white and barely noticeable.
You're welcome! I waited until all the stitches were gone and the incisions seemed completely healed so that I was pretty sure what I was seeing was indeed actually fully formed scar tissue: about 8 weeks post-op. I used this stuff. I'm not sure the risk of a UTI, I did not get one, but if you are worried you could maybe shop around for one that is in a squeeze tube (Mederma?) instead of roller-ball, since I think there would be less chance of bacteria getting rolled back up into the tube. Just use clean fingers and avoid the inner mucous-membrane parts with the urethra, I think it would hopefully be safe!
Maybe scar tissue? It should definitely soften with time. I used a scar gel for a while, and my scars have all gone away, but I'm not sure if that is due to time or the gel. Some people also recommend scar massage but I'm not very familiar with it.
I use silicone sheets typically but I think gel would probably work better on lips. If you just google “scar silicone gel”, it’ll come up. I like ScarAway brand but I haven’t tried their gel. You can find it on Amazon and other places. It smooths scars and evens out pigmentation.
The ScarAway gel is like $12 on Amazon. That’s the one I use instead of the sheets. I haven’t used long enough to speak to the results yet but just thought I’d share the cheaper version of it! ScarAway 100% Medical-Grade Silicone Scar Gel for Face, Body, Surgical, Burn, Hypertrophic Scars, Keloids and Acne Scar Treatment, 0.35 Ounces (10 Grams) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X17LJF9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_I.H0FbTN0SPE5
A plastic surgeon/dermatologist recommended this stuff for me:
The patches are better but that's a bit easier to keep on a hand.
Im not sure if it will work yet but people recommended Silicone oil to me so I just purchased it.
I used this one, it had pretty good reviews. The roller ball was hard to use on some parts so it might work better to put it on your finger and apply it manually.