It's one of the unbranded generic ones. All over ebay and amazon under different names.
And yes, it does 4:3 just fine, that's the only mode I'll accept. It even outputs letterbox bars on all four sides, but I can't guarantee every version will be the same.
> I don't have anything against SCART mind you, just would rather have a single box I can use for both (unmodded)
I get it. A device which can do both is the ideal, right?
RGB mod is better then a Super64 EON. RGB has I believe 5 color. Super64 uses SVideo which has 2. RGB is transfered by a scart cable. Use your cable you linked with a scart to hdmi upscaler like this Scart Hdmi to Hdmi Video Converter Box 1080p Scaler 3.5mm Coaxial Audio Out
I'm in the same boat, and also finding it difficult to locate a solution I can purchase.
Would this work?
Thanks, I'm sure I will.
I think I'm letting myself buyninto hype a little bit too much. I hooked my Retron 3 (its quickly loosing functionality) up to my CRT with S-video and to my 720 plasma with composite at the same time just to compare. I put in super Mario for SNES and turned the brightness up on the plasma on game mode. It really didn't look too bad. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, maybe it varies from system to system and what type of game your playing.
I did buy a scaler. This one:
And I think I will end up returning it. it looked good but there was definitely lag and the picture would brake up and slow down sometimes.
I had a similar situation to yours. I bought this and I'm very satisfied. Originally I bought it to connect (and upscale) my PS1 to the monitor, but the device has also HDMI in and audio out so I connect my PS3 to the monitor and use speakers/headphones for audio. Hope it helps.
I have been using this for a year and while its no framemeister, I would argue it is a better bang for your buck.
You are willing to pay over $105 USD (89 GBP) for a device costing $30 USD [] and a cable costing $12 USD []?
Personally, I would look for a case on eBay, or have a bottom 3D printed.
I use only converted Floppy drives internally, and use external Goteks when I need those. I adapt my own.
The Agnus issue, IMHO, I purchase a 8372A for $31 USD with shipping (S/H $14+) and use the 512K expansion RAM as Chip RAM, rather than "slow RAM/memory."
Game systems mostly will work on either 512K or 1 MB Chip RAM (and it sounds like you found that 512K extra RAM in the "silver box" in your purchase).
Unless you are a professional gamer, an Amiga (23-pin to SCART cable [] $15, and a SCART to HDMI converter [] $30 USD works very well.
Why not just get this?
Scart Hdmi to Hdmi Video Converter Box 1080p Scaler 3.5mm Coaxial Audio Output for Game Consoles DVD
The most popular is to use the Switch-a-roo cable (
The SCART to HDMI adapter moves around on Amazon. I've bought two of them, and you can tell it's the same by looking at the pictures and checking the position and types of input/outputs. I've always found one on Amazon, though the same listing doesn't seem to stay for more than a few months. I'm pretty sure this is a current listing:
I'm pretty sure there is not an all-in-one solution for it, as it would be pretty specialized, but that SCART solution does work great even if it does cost a bit between the switch-a-roo and the hdmi. And honestly, it is *the best* looking video you can get from a CoCo, and has the option to display both the RGB and composite modes. Unless you really want an older CRT to match for nostalgia, this is going to look better anyway. And probably cheaper unless you can get lucky enough to find a CM-8 or similar locally.
You might want to look into Scart to Hdmi Converter Box. You will have to unplug and replug scart cable everytime you switch between consoles since this converter box only has an input for one scart cable.
Yes, it is. I'd go with the RGB Scart route then output to HD. That's the best way to get a great OEM picture.
Scart Hdmi to Hdmi Video Converter Box 1080p Scaler 3.5mm Co
Look at this on eBay
It may be expensive, but it's better than cutting up your game console. But I'm not telling you what you should do with your thing. It's your choice, but with the amount of Genesis/Mega Drives that were sold, the supply is dwindling. It's better safe than sorry.
Here is a thread posted just yesterday.
comparing the enko upscaler vs XRGB mini. The enko is $50 on Amazon.
also there is THIS with SCART Input.
I own one myself and use it with my Sega Saturn. Even though there is lag, the lag does not bother me because i don't notice it, but then again I don't play games where lag is crucial.
Personally, I’m using this box to convert from a SCART cable to HDMI and I’m very happy with it:
The following is the SCART cable I bought from RetroAccess:
The one thing I particularly love about the box I linked to above is the ability to toggle between various resolutions and aspect ratios, giving you the ability to find the exact setting that looks best on your TV.
I hope you find the right solution for you so you can join us in the land of high definition Saturn glory!
EDIT: Found the URL for the SCART cable I bought and so I modified my post to include it.