Try to control the conversation and leave him no room for the question..... But if someone asks you over and over again, tell him to talk about any topic he wants and not ask you about your condition again... Be direct.
good luck dear.
A helpful tool.
Do not break yourself and do not leave to fail, engage in a gym, eat healthy food, try to make new friends and engage in social activities to break the routine, challenge your routine..
We all suffer, but the person who succeeds in us knows how to create a streamlined way of living....
.....Keep your medication....Learn new ways to cope with your disorder..
Good luck
a helpful tool
Behavioral psychotherapy sessions will benefit you....and some medications as well...don't worry keep in touch with a psychotherapist...
A motivational tool to enhance awareness.
Mirtazipine is very useful to stabilize your mood.... A helpful tool
And omega 3 .... haha A helpful tool.
It's your companion in difficult times, I bet your cat is a great reward for someone suffering from a mental disorder This cat is better than a hundred friends
Take good care of her
Good luck.
A Helpful Tool .
journaling will help you
risperidone will help you ... talk to your therapist ...
good luck.
a practical tool for self-help ...
I practice helps me a lot in emptying negative energy and feelings of frustration and anxiety.... ...... good luck ...... A helpful tool for depressive type and this for bipolar
Mood stabilizers, especially clozapine, may help.
a helpful tool for those coping with journaling
Many of us have gone through these harsh experiences.
This tool may help you manage symptoms
Nice !
for those coping with SZA-Depression
What a life can be... by caroline dobbins phd. For therapeutic journals i preffer : This for depressive type This for bipolar type