Your art looks really cool! I've seen similar things, especially in deeeep meditation.
Thank you for sharing your creations with the world as well. This one is just the coolest!
My main pen name is Aron Lewes. I always worry that people will think I'm trying to sell them something if I mention my books, but I do have some freebies out there too. :)
I started writing this book in early 2017. At the time, my dad (who had dementia) had just been moved to a rest home. He was completely out of his mind, had hallucinations and delusions, and couldn't even remember my name.
In that particular book, there's a scene where an angel-in-training lays his hand on the head of a man with dementia. The man in the book gains miraculous clarity and could remember his daughters' names.
This exact thing happened to me a few months after I finished writing School for Spirits. My dad was in the hospital, days away from death, and he had a full day where he seemed like Dad again. He remembered me and my sisters. He even remembered Tim Allen and was cracking jokes. Dad came back to us, just like the dad in my book came back for a day. It makes me wonder if I had my own angelic intervention. ;)
Fast forward to this book... I was writing that series while my dad was dying. In the very last chapter of the very last book, my main character says farewell to her dying father. Just hours after I finished that book, my own dad passed away.
The main character (Kizzy) had to forgive her dad before he could pass on. Years later, I learned my own dad's dark secret (I won't get into that) and I found out that, like Kizzy, maybe I really DID have to forgive my father before he could pass on.
There are many many weird syncs and experiences surrounding my books, but those are the big ones. I feel like I tap into higher self when I'm writing... maybe?
I hope that wasn't too long. lol
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