I bought a book and read it. I think it was this one SCJP Book
Then i read it again (this time taking notes). Then I read it a third time (more briefly to make the notes more concise). Then I studied those notes for about 3 months. Then I got a cert from Oracle.
Are you speaking about a class dedicated to the exam, or a university class covering object-oriented programming using Java?
If it is the former, you will most likely be using a Java certification prep book. This is the book I used for Java 6 certification. I simply studied the book and left my IDE open to play with the concepts and did not take any formal classes and passed easily.
If you are talking about a University course on Java, then no, it would not be enough and you would need to get the prep book.
Regarding what it covers, you are mainly looking at the Java core, which in your example would not include swing graphics.
You have to get the book:
And understand EVERYTHING in it. Then you have to get some practice tests, and take them until you pass, every time. Without that, you won't pass the exam, I promise, no matter how much of a Java Professional you already consider yourself.
This information is from personal experience. I took the exam and passed on the first try using these methods.
Poti sa faci zece scoli recunoscute de industria IT... egale cu zero daca nu ai proiectele tale de aratat. Iti trebuie o licenta in IT daca vrei sa beneficiezi de neimpozitarea salariului. Multi din cei care lucreaza la ora actuala nu au apucat sa ia licenta/termine facultatea pentru ca lucreaza +10 ore pe zi.
Codeacademy e un loc de unde poti incepe usurel cu python eventual cu html si javascript. W3schools SQL si ASP. Plus cele de mai sus. Sunt aplicatii la tona pe android.
Cel mai recent cineva care lucreaza ca trainer in Iasi mi-a recomandat http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0071591060/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/192-9362406-7889364 sau non mobile http://www.amazon.com/dp/0071591060/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/192-9362406-7889364 ca sa invat java (nu e tocmai pt beginners)
Daca e musai musai o scoala inscrie-te la o facultate de profil din apropiere si intre timp lucreaza in minunata industrie. Daca ai deja o facultate fa un master de specializare ptc dureaza 2 ani in loc de 3.
Non-mobile: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0071591060/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/192-9362406-7889364
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
Well, I said it before, I will say it again, this book is amazing
Then, I highly recommend, you learn JPA/Hibernate and DDD. The value in that alone is what many companies are after.
Then you have to choose what is that specifically you want to master:
If you want to go with EE, then read this
If you want to go mobile, read this
Obviously, if you still have time, Martin Fowler and Uncle Bob are your guides.
Yup, this is an important one to understand.
Usually I suggest preparing for the SCJP test (doesn't matter if you get the cert or not if you know enough to pass the test). The study guides are great resources for all of the little details.
or I guess now that these losers run it: