Hey that's awesome! I didn't take any progress pictures but I can definitely let you know what I did!
I had some "SuperSculpey" left behind from other art projects, so I used that to build the actual tokens. I'm from Canada, so here's the link on Amazon to the stuff I used: https://www.amazon.ca/Sculpey-SS1-Super-Beige-1-Pound/dp/B0026C1T8C/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545432815&sr=8-1-spons&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=super+sculpey&psc=1&smid=A24S68C9C0RM8T I bought it at a local art supply store for pretty cheap (about $19.50 CAN/lb) so maybe check local stores around your area for it before ordering it online!
To paint the tokens I just used simple dollars store acrylics and I sealed them with a Sally Hanson Clear Topcoat Nail polish. In terms of the supplies it was actually quite cheap to make them!
I first modeled the minis out of the sculpey, which is really good at keeping its shape and rarely 'melts' at all or leaves residue on your hands.
Next I baked them in the oven following the instructions of the box, which is Baking it at 130° C for 15 minutes per 1/4 inch thickness of whatever you are baking. I baked them on parchment paper so that my baking pan didn't have any chemicals on it at all.
After baking I let them cool on the baking sheet for about half an hour and then I painted them. After they dried I simply covered them in the clear nail polish, one side at a time so they didn't stick to my desk where they were drying and then they were done!
If you have any specific questions about how I made them feel free to PM me!
I sometimes use Super Sculpey on existing Pops. I haven't had any issues so far of the heat damaging the vinyl. I just bake the whole thing for like 10 minutes at 225F to harden the clay. Vinyl will get soft until it cools, but not ruin it.
super sculpey is a tenner for a pound of clay (lb) on amazon, you can pad it out with silver foil/wire.
original super sculpey
It's a lot of fun! This is what I used.