Since my post was removed: So I know some programming, I graduated with a C.S. degree a good 5 years ago, but have been mostly doing QA (which I enjoy, but my programming skills have def. gotten rusty) Anyways I've decided that as a hobby i'd like to improve my C++ skills by doing some game development. Now I know jumping in and making a Dragon based MMO (100% science based obviously ;)) is probably not the best idea (sorry I had to haah). But I do want to start out small.
My thoughts are:
Does this seem like a "doable" path? Im trying to be reasonable with myself. Does this sound like an OK plan? I think ideally (end goal) i'd like to do some basic top down 2D rpg using SDL or UE4. Nothing fancy, just something that utilizes different components (terrain generation/AI/so forth).
I don't know which SDL game dev book you're referring to, but this one which I believe is the one you're referring to has exactly what you're looking for. Some of the later chapter have holes in the code, but you can download the missing code.