Spirituality enhanced by psychoactive substances has a long history, including alcohol use.
The key factor is intent. If you use alcohol to alter your consciousness to ease you into a more open, centered, and receptive mind state, it can be useful for spiritual practise.
Even Christians consume alcohol during 'communion' with God. And there is some evidence to suggest that the 'wine' mentioned in the Bible had much more in it than just alcohol. (Magic mushrooms).
The story of Jesus turning water into wine could possibly be him sprinkling mushroom powder into a container of water.
Apparently Buddhist monks in the past were taught to consume a small amount of psychoactive substance everyday, 'even if it's just alcohol'. They were mocrodosing long before it was cool 😂
If you are interested in this idea, I recommend the book The Secret Drugs of Buddhism.
But obviously as everyone else has said, you do what you're comfortable with and be proud of it ☺️
(Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana)[https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Drugs-Buddhism-Psychedelic-Sacraments-dp-0907791743/dp/0907791743/ref=dp_ob_title_bk]
There's a book available in Amazon about traditional psychedelic use in certain Vajrayana practices, but that doesn't mean you should follow suit. https://www.amazon.com.au/Secret-Drugs-Buddhism-Psychedelic-Sacraments/dp/0907791743
Guess they don't go chasing beautiful women with pancakes on needles very much.