I did a ton of research last year and this is the stuff that came with the most recommendations. I bought it and used it in my fogger last year to get rid of mosquitoes etc and it did a great job.
Sector Mosquito Misting System... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GTKNQM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I wanna ask my neighbors to sign up to a service.. or offer a service myself..
Knockdown insecticide and IGR will knock them out when they land in your grass or bushes though. Something like this.. https://www.amazon.com/Sector-Mosquito-Misting-System-MGK1012/dp/B004GTKNQM/
Then you can get a mosquito sniper to use it with the tools you probably already have: https://mosquitosnipersystem.com/