Timed padlock: $21. It is quite cheap and I have low hopes for its longevity, but so far it works :shrug:
Latch: $7 (it was a pack of 6, so more like $1-ish for this particular project)
And I already had the box. You could skip the latch and just get this, though-
Simple metal lockbox - $11
Not nearly as cool as a legit K-safe but I'm having a hard time justifying dropping $70 on a thing to lock up my weed from my own self, lol.
Anyway, you know where to find me in 6 hrs and 9 mins... (nice)
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Sicherheits-Vorhängeschloss, elektronisches Time… | €19.00 | €19.00 | 0.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Sicherheits-Vorhängeschloss, elektronisches Time… | €19.00 | €19.00 | 0.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Sicherheits-Vorhängeschloss, elektronisches Time… | €19.00 | €19.00 | 0.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Exactly and also don't use smoking as a way to avoid other issues, that's a slippery slope when you're smoking all the time and there is actually depression that needs a different treatment or something else at play. Your body won't crave it, but you're used to it. This on the stash box might help the first few weeks:
This isn't exactly a safe but if you have a box you can lock it's probably the cheapest alternative.