I feel you. I also did not really struggle much before but definitely am now. I found this on Amazon for $9 and it’s been really helpful for me with self-esteem, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are (Self-Help Workbooks for Women) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647397294/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_3N55RAXG73RDCHTXNTKK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You’re so young! Whether you’re still in high school or coming out. I know it doesn’t sound like the solution but I think it is: Self love. I was experiencing extreme burnout out and lacked ambition, passion and energy. My mom bought me this book and I was like mom…no. And she was like just try it. And so I said fuck it, I’ll answer all the questions in the book however I want even if I answer them like an asshole. It turned into an amazing self love journey. I learned a lot about myself, what I’m passionate about, what actually motivates me not what my parents said. The book is only $10 so I highly suggest (if you’re not a woman…idk I still think you might like! or find another?? sorry!)
It’s also just about getting to a comfortable point in your life too, there have been points in my life I’m dealing with extended stress (like family illness) or rough living situations or a shitty job. I was like “What’s wrong with me?” But really I was just surviving in my environment. It takes time.
There’s no hobby that is meant to be. If you abandoned them it’s not a reflection of you or what’s wrong with you. Maybe it’s a reflection of the hobby itself isn’t right or you’re not at the right place in your life to enjoy.
Also health/eating plays into mental health which will definitely affect all three of these especially energy! Do you eat 3 nutritious meals a day? Again sometimes it’s about being at the right point in your life to be able to. However something like cooking may a good “hobby” to get into that also benefits your health. I love any hobby that I enjoy doing and improves my health/life.
Hey girl, it's never too late to learn how to love yourself. I'm 39F, only been in therapy for two years now, and it's never been easy. I actually had a nightmare last night, even progress can be painful. So I got this book, and it's so tacky and juvenile, I struggled to take it seriously but I'm working my way thru it. I believe you can do it too, we have to overcome our pain and trauma. We deserve love and safety and trust. We are not what our abusers created, because we want to be better. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1647397294/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_K4K9X4QGCW7T93PXSM29
This was recommended by my therapist for a 2, I know. Maybe it’s something you can work on to help: Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are (Self-Help Workbooks for Women) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647397294/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_R59CE8M9WVNMSHASC36E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It really is all about loving yourself where you are at. That’s why you keep flipping back to a persona. You haven’t accepted you are your core. Best of luck. Hope this helps.
If you identify as a woman, you might like the workbook I’m working through right now. It’s been really helpful for me…it gave me a place to begin when I really had no idea how.
Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are by Megan Logan, MSW, LCSW
This is the one that my therapist sent me and I’ve been using but there are other workbooks out there too! Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647397294/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_8EDM1JT51GF493ETK3BR
I’m struggling with this too!!
I don’t know all the answers- and I’m def still working on this - but I will say I have been trying to identify where this lack of confidence originates and I found personally I have incredibly low idea self importance.
I’m a tactile person so I found this workbook on Amazon. I’m about halfway through and it’s pretty helpful albeit all little cheesy. It’s basically coaching me to be a little nicer to myself and to identify and value my thoughts and emotions. self love workbook
I think maybe at the core of confidence it is wise to try to value yourself. Worrying about judgment from others is a natural social response, but it can also stop you from being you! I don’t have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have I admire their authenticity most. Maybe not everyone will appreciate it, but the ones who do will be the best connections you’ve ever had.
Anyways- hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey!