I'm based out of Toronto. I know most of the schools and having employed a graduate from every school in Town I know how you feel.
I think going back to school with some knowledge is fantastic. I really think post secondaries are meant to push you and engage you. If you do not feel you got what you wanted push back. If you think you deserved more lab time, push for it. If you think you need access to classes after graduation ask for them.
Networking is 90% of the job. I was Technical supervisor at a very big studio in town and no more than 10% of the interns ever brought work to the studio. Getting the business skills is key. Don't think you're done learning... the second you decide "That's it I'm done with this learning crap..." you'll be back where you started, only with a pile of debt. Take on Audio jobs that aren't exactly glamorous. There is audio everywhere and if you can't apply the skills you've got outside the studio you're sunk. There is money to made in avenues of audio you've never thought about... Dig deep and connect with those around you and those who they connect with. Canada is a small town. School is a fast track and it connects you people you wouldn't have otherwise met.
If I could recommend two book (there is an audio book as well if you're like me and hate reading paper) Selling the invisible (http://www.amazon.ca/Selling-Invisible-Field-Modern-Marketing/dp/1600241018) and 48 laws of power (http://www.amazon.ca/48-Laws-Power-Robert-Greene/dp/0140280197/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432002342&sr=1-1&keywords=48+laws+of+power)
you can buy me lunch anytime www.APKaudio.com