I'm not sure if we're talking about the same headset. This is the one I'm talking about
This is the one I am using, useful for only office calls and not great for listening songs
For remote podcasting I’ve been using these. Takes care of the headphones and microphones and sounds pretty dang good for $30. If you want even better, look at gaming headsets in the $70-$80 range, the mics are really good! Sennheiser Consumer Audio Sennheiser PC 8 USB - Stereo USB Headset for PC and MAC with In-line Volume and Mute Control, Black, Small https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005HWEZGG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Y04FMM1QACYZ2027281K
I can tell you the mic I got for my online school, has been a dream for my online DnD group. First time I used it, everyone flipped out saying how great my sound quality was. It is the Sennheiser PC 8 Headset Mic at 34 dollars, it's a steal.
Here you go (this is Amazon Germany though). They really do t look anything special
Sennheiser PC 8 USB Headset... https://www.amazon.de/dp/B005HWEZGG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is quite good for meetings.
Hi, Just to update on this post. I checked with a few course creators on FB. (in the online course secrets course creators community)
Most of the course creators said they liked the wireless ones better. Few of them told me that they use the Sennheiser brand.
One even suggested the wired Sennheiser headphone she used for her classes. You can check this brand out.
And the same way, one more brand they suggested was the JabraElite75T(which is wireless)
You can try any of these models. It comes within your budget & both of these have good reviews.
Sennheiser PC 8 USB - Stereo USB Headset for PC and MAC with In-line Volume and Mute Control https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005HWEZGG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NwLqFbY6KPBYQ
Sennheiser PC 8 USB - Stereo USB Headset for PC and MAC with In-line Volume and Mute Control https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005HWEZGG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NwLqFbY6KPBYQ
Hey, I am looking for relatively cheap microphone + headphones since my last headset broke (Sennheiser PC 8).
Budget: ~10€ for mic, ~20€ for headphones
Source: standard 3.5mm audio jacks (1 for mic, 1 for headphones) (USB headsets are a mess under linux).
Requirements for Isolation: I will only use this for my PC (mostly gaming and sometimes listening to music). I tried on-ears and over-ears and prefer on-ears because they are more comforable (like the PC 8)
Preferred tonal balance: No preference.
Past headphones: Sennheiser PC 8 and Sharkoon SGH1. I don't use the Sharkoon ones anymore because the over-ears don't feel comfortable and the pads of the Sennheiser ones fell apart recently.
Preferred Music: I am usually listening to electronic music or voices (teamspeak).
What would you like to improve on from your set-up: I am currently using a cheap mainboard (MSI B250M Pro VD) but I'm going to change to a new (AM4) mainboard soon. Would you recommend getting a soundcard (increasing the budget) or is the onboard sound fine for this budget?
Location: Germany, price comparison: Amazon, Geizhals
Notes: I don't want a stationary microphone, more like on of these, do you have experiences with one?
I already looked through the $30 guide but I don't like the Koss KSC75 because of the ear clips and I cannot find the Monoprice 8323, at least on amazon.de and Google Shopping. I also did not find anything in my budget using the assistant.
Sennheiser PC 8. 42 bucks from Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-PC-USB-Headset-In-line/dp/B005HWEZGG