karezza people talk a lot about energy that is developed in erotic touch that does not finish with orgasming. there are a lot of classic texts available on this -- for example: https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/krz/index.htm
i think what is stirred through contact between bodies is, quite often, much more than we think it is. and quite different from what we think it is. so any attempt to reduce it to something -- or to formulate an explanation for why it arises / why it is the way it is -- is going to feel limited.
so maybe, instead of trying to find an explanation, make it your practice to explore how it feels to feel this way now -- make the practice about feeling as closely as possible and understanding as closely as possible what is it like to be in your skin right now. maybe spend some time exploring this lying down, rather than sitting. and maybe wonder if staying with something like this is sustainable long-term.
>Should I see her again, or take a break? How much should I disclose about this activation I've been on, and how much to attribute to our time together?
i d say the ethical thing to do would be at least to have a talk with her. and ask her how was it for her. if she experienced anything like that. and the talk can show if it is worth continuing / exploring further.
my own touch-related explorations -- even if they were not so intense as yours -- were worth it.
btw, i'd also recommend looking into something called "sensate-focused caress". the best book on it that i read : https://www.amazon.com/Sensate-Focus-Sex-Therapy-Illustrated-ebook/dp/B06X9VH2D5/ref=sr_1_1?crid=290VF4WSK3762&keywords=sensate+focus&qid=1644886868&s=digital-text&sprefix=sensate+focus%2Cdigital-text%2C294&sr=1-1
Practising Sensate Focus to practice mindfulness and to enjoy the intimacy of touch (pleasure, sex and orgasm is not a goal!).
Let your body get aroused withouth pressure and anxiety if it is feeling like it. :-)