You can order all 4 volumes on Amazon for less than $40.
Volume 1 is called Those Left Behind.
Volume 2 is called Better Days.
Volume 3 is called The Sheppard's Tale.
Volume 4 is called Leaves on the Wind.
These are 4 separate books, right now there is no completed collection. There was also a one shot that just came out at this years Free Comic Book Day. Which you can read online HERE. There was another short a few years ago, ~~I could be mistaken but iirc that was~~ is also included in volume 4.
Hi, very excited to find there are comics, found some on amazon, are these them? Which do you recommend?Thanks in advance!
Serenity, Vol. 1: Those Left Behind
Serenity: Those Left Behind #1
They are both good and bad.
The good ones fill in some gaps to the characters and storylines. The bad ones are just filler.
Luckily all the comics have been republished into 4 Trades, which means not needing to hunt down individual issues.
Note: The Better Days softcover doesn't have all the one shots. The hardcover does. Those one shots are some of the better stories.
Those 4 volumes have everything made so far. There is another miniseries coming out later this year.
I say grab them for cheap, if you really want some more Firefly/Serenity. Or acquire them from less reputable sources.