In fact.
I read this book back in 2010 or so when I was stationed in Arizona: Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters
One of the things that stuck with me forever was one of the SKs was asked something along the lines of how someone could protect themself from an SK and the guy said "lock your doors and windows and keep a loaded gun nearby."
I keep a loaded .45 within arm's reach, but in a case like this? I mean - if you're dead asleep, especially drunk? You'd be lucky to be able to effectively fight back if someone comes and can just get a couple of good jabs into you before you realize what's going on.
But definitely.
Keep the doors/windows locked, get cameras, and get a weapon. All good practices for maintaining the safety of your home.
I love learning about serial killers and murders. My sister got me this book. I really enjoyed reading it. I went to UC Santa Cruz where the Santa Cruz Coed Killer, Edmund Kemper, murdered some girls from UCSC. I even asked a professor who was teaching during that time in Santa Cruz and he told me he wasn't worried about being murder that he was more likely to die on highway 17. I even visited the bar where he would hang out at and talk to the police. It was right next to this place that sold good pupusas. I even found his house. I never went to the place where he used to live, but it was all interesting. I always watch documentaries and read books on serial killers. You should read my friend Dahmer. I haven't read it, but I want to. They recently turned it into a movie.
Agree. This movie was my introduction to serial killers. There is a book, The Method and Madness, where the author talks about meeting Chikatilo before he's caught of course. good read.
With a little research, there are tons of options out there for this type of book...for the non-fiction option, just start Googling true crime. A lot has been written about various serial killers throughout history, some even written by someone close to the case like a prosecutor or detective. There are books focused on just one as well as books about's a few I just came across One Two Three
And for fiction, some good options are American Psycho, The Killer Inside Me, The Girls He Adored, Killer on the Road. I've never actually read these, but they should fit your criteria from their descriptions on Amazon.