Has she been molested?
Is she on birth control pills?
Is she on any heavy medication for mental health problems?
Is she lesbian?
Also consider that many serious christians come out of their childhood seriously sexually traumatized.
This book might be helpful https://www.amazon.ca/Sex-God-Conservative-Church-Intimacy/dp/1138674982
Oh honey :( I'm so sorry. Been there done that. I also got married and then figured out I had vm and it SUCKS.
If your husband won't listen to you, maybe he will watch a video explaining vaginismus? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6t3g6r I just found this.
For therapists you could try https://nwioi.com/, they specialize in sex and intimacy issues like this. If he's "too hurt to even deal with helping," I kind of get where he's coming from, this is a really really hard issue to deal with your first years of marriage, but he can't just keep pouting and expect you to fix it on your own. Vm is lonely enough to deal with, he needs to be supportive and cooperative or else he's making himself a burden on you.
I didn't have much of a sex drive until I started taking medical marijuana a few years ago, and apparently I'm not the only one its helped. If that's an option for you, I'd try it. Botox didn't help me much, and my phys therapist tells my it doesn't work half as well if you aren't doing PT at the same time.
Did you come form a religious or abstinence background? If so, this article on vm and strict upbringing helped me a ton, and so did Tina's book Sex, God & the Conservative Church.
That's all I have time to write now, dm me if you want to talk more about any of those resources :)
I heard this book was good - it’s on my to read list