Since I follow TSM (the Sinclaire method), though I was prescribed daily, I take it only before I know I'm going to drink (ideally an hour or two before, otherwise as soon as possible after). That's how I understand it is best effective. It doesn't decrease alcohol cravings by itself. It dulls the dopamine reward system when you take it in combination with drinking. Then that slowly (can takes months) but very effectively rewires your brain away from the addiction. It took years to get you here, it'll take time to get you back too. I had an alcohol-diary app for the first 6 months, and I noticed no change in alcohol consumed for approx 2 months, THEN it started to gradually decrease, along with my cravings.
Nal only lasts in your system a few hours so in my opinion it's fairly pointless to take it in the morning (for example) if you're going to be lashing into the cans in the evening. I don't take it regularly anymore since I don't drink daily anymore (thanks to nal). But I would always have them on me (I've a little pill holder on my keys with 2 or 3 in it), ready to take if I'm suddenly dragged for Friday afternoon beers or something.
It's not an alcohol specific drug. If you took it before your morning coffee and doing a bunch of coding, as I understand it you might begin slowly to find those activities less rewarding, hence the reason TSM has you target your dose. For me the coffee might be OK but I need to get my dopamine hit from work/coding, I gotta earn a living after-all.
Anyway I'm no biochemist or anything (just an engineer who's done some reading) so what I'm about to say isn't gospel: I do not think daily untargeted dosing is the optimum way to take this drug. They're not antibiotics and shouldn't be taken as such. If you happen to drink daily, and take it before you drink then it will have some effect, but you can get much more bang for your buck with TSM.
I keep a keychain pill holder on my key ring with a couple adderall and xanax which I'm prescribed so if I need to take one when I'm out I'll have it with me. Accidentally lost it a few weeks ago at a family event with all adults and now some family members are accusing me of popping pills at family events and even the ones who don't think it's a big deal are telling me it's a bad idea to keep that on my key ring. Am I nuts for thinking that keeping 3 or 4 pills that I'm prescribed on me so I can take them the way they're prescribed isn't a big deal at all?
>lo malo es que tienes que aguantar los corridos a todo volumen.
Ufff te falta barrio mi buen, concert earplugs, los llevo adentro de uno de estos a todos a todos lados
Buy a pill carrier for your keys. They are small and discrete and cost very cheap on Amazon. I put my pill in every night (set a reminder) and take it in the morning. Then you dont need to do anything to remind yourself you can just shake your keys to know you took it.
I got this one fits triumeq perfect
You can find these at pretty much any drug store. You can keep a picture of the bottle and the pills on your phone to show the cops should you ever need to.
I mean, if the cop decides to be a dick about it, not much you can do, but at least you’d have proof on your phone if it came up. They can always confiscate your “drugs” and have them tested, but anyone with half a brain’s gonna know they’ll look pretty stupid when the results come back. Maybe also a medical ID bracelet to prove you have a medical need?
You shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to carry medicine, but this is the world we live in right now. Good luck.
try searching for keychain pill cases, and find one with the right diameter and length.
I’d recommend a small keychain pill holder like this and remember to keep a picture of your most recent prescription in your camera roll just in case! Only keep that days dose in there and keep your keys inside your purse in the locker because people will definitely steal it (I’ve had it happened)
Check out pill holder keychains!! I ordered this one off amazon and it has been life changing for me. Super convenient and discreet. I don’t know the size of your meds but this thing will hold roughly 3 of my Keppra (pretty decent sized pills) plus many smaller pills. I cannot recommend a keychain pill holder enough! (As long as your pills look different from each other, throwing them all together can be confusing)
SHD Pill Box Keychain Waterproof Single Chamber Stainless Steel Pill Organizer for Outdoor Travel Camping
I have one of these key chain pill carriers that I use for my Fury dosing capsules, but it would do just as well with ground herb. Decently thick construction, nice replaceable seal to make it waterproof, no issues with smell. I like it enough I am considering a second to make an compact emergency (waterproof matches/fishing line/etc) kit also.
I have something like this:
Big enough for two excederin and a packaged triptan, plus a dose of topamax for if I forget to take it before leaving. It hooks onto my keys so I never leave the house without it. It's saved my bacon more than a few times.
I keep it on my keychain. Sure, it looks a little goofy but it's convenient. The one I have holds about 6 doses.
SHD Pill Box Keychain Waterproof...
I use these when I’m out and don’t know what I’ll be carrying with me
Seems like you could benefit from something like this to carry a few pills and cut down on the bulk.
I bought this for my keychain so I always have extra Keppra on me, just in case. It has come in handy wayyyy more times than I can count and wanted to share!!
I had an issue with this too. I found that keeping it in my car and taking it before work helped. Having it somewhere you see in the morning will certainly serve as a reminder to take it. If youre in highschool, I recommend maybe keeping it in your bag or having a pill box on a key ring like [this] (\_1\_6\_s\_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1541160971&sr=1-6&keywords=pill+holder](