Amazon makes a product called Shittens. They are basically a wipe for your whole hand. This might be a solution for you guys. It sounds like she might have some OCD tendencies and may need a little therapy too.
Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Moist Wipes, 20 Count
Get her some shittens.
Shittens description for the lazy: If there's one great universal truth that we can all agree on, it's this: No one wants poop on their hands.
And yet, we laugh carelessly in the face of danger every time we take an old fashioned wet wipe to our heinies, flying completely blind in the critical poop-to-hand spatial relation.
How many times have you taken one of those substandard wet wipes to the posterior of a child, risking major contamination from that flailing poop cloth? And how many times has your dog's "number two" been a little closer to a number one "and a half", requiring a deadly grab & pull maneuver with whatever's laying around? Enough is enough!
With new Shittens, you can fully protect your hands while tending to the dirty deed.
Maybe she needs to look into therapy, first and foremost.
And maybe invest in some shittens in the between time. It has to be cheaper than socks.
You probably won't see this comment but your girlfriend needs to know that this is not an abnormal concern to have, and there are sustainable ways to tackle this. Practical suggestion is that she uses damp sanitary wipes with disposable gloves, which is probably even more effective than her current method.
Or there's also shittens:
Relationship advice is that this is something that will bring you closer. This is something she has obviously been quite distressed over for quite some time so you being understanding and helpful will establish a strong level of trust in your relationship.
All the best.
I think my favorite solution was the Shittens. A product I didn't even know existed. I'd have to imagine they are also far less porous than socks...
Post these Shittens to help Chris Gittens
So does she wear the sock like a poop glove? She just needs to order Shittens.
Maybe he's wearing Shittens
They exist! Behold the Shitten!
I always keep a pack of Shittens around.
Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Wet Wipes, 20 Count
Hail Lee Soo Man, master of Kwangya!
/uj S-tier meme. Amazing. Also, Shittens is a real product LOL
Get some Shittens. They are on Amazon
Available at Amazon. Great xmas gift.
Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Wet Wipes, 20 Count
read the reviews & questions shit is gold.
Have her try these!!
These may be a good solution for your problem!
Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Moist Wipes, 20 Count
Or Shittens, the glove you put on to wipe your ass.
Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Moist Wipes, 20 Count
From an environmental standpoint this is a horrible practice. Buy her some of these Or install a bidet on the toilet (cold water ones are like $30).
Then be done with it.
Your girlfriend needs Shittens lol
Sounds like she needs some shittens
I scoured the web high and low -- in search of your linked pic,
I looked around and soon I found
your item -- that was quick!
The above is this item's information as of 1-6-2017
Product Title: Shittens Disposable Mitten-shaped Moist Wipes, 20 Count
Rating: 4-5/5 stars
Don't forget to pick up a pack of Shittens while you're there.
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They have the best reviews