I started with free Udemy course by Felix Lättman. He is a master in teaching languages in efficient, fun and interesting way.
It has 6 parts and around 30 hours of Swedish lessons for free. So don't forget to go through all of them.
I was able to get basic grammer and basic conversation in Swedish with Felix's course. Also I was able to get the Swedish sounds and pronounciation easily with this course.
I follow "The Swedish Family" YouTube channel where they have both English and Swedish subtitles. They film their day to day life with their 3 kids. So it is very family friendly and also give insights into Swedish way of life.
Another YouTube channel which is very educative in nature is "Snabb Fakta". They have Swedish subtitles for most of their videos. They talk about incidents in Sweden or world like the sinking of Titanic, muder of former Swedish Minister etc as a documentary.
I have the following book suggestions:
Short Stories in Swedish by Olly Richards
Swedish Short Stories for beginners by Lingo Mastery.
They are based on the method described in the following article. Having the audio books of the same will help you with pronounciation.
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B081N3GWCH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This book is only $7 for Kindle! I've enjoyed it so far. I'm 4 chapters into the first short story.