A Dolly and Moving Straps for going up stairs are 2 essential items I always bring to help people move.
Fuck breaking your back, I help people move so that they owe me a favor when I have to move and for free beer and Pizza.
Step 1: get any sort of safety toe non-slip boot or shoe. Make sure you find it comfortable while bending, squatting, walking, and generally being in all day. They even make hiking style boots nowadays that are really breathable. Just do some research and experiment at a store. Many of the suggestions here are excellent.
Step 2: make sure you have a good pair of non-slip and abrasion resistant gloves so you don't hurt your hands
Step 3: buy a set of Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps. Even if you can't expense them, it will be the best $40 you'll ever spend when it comes to efficiency in moving and maneuvering.
A couple of guys dropped off a washer and dryer for us a few years ago and had a set of these. We had a very narrow stairway with a terrible sharp angle at the top going down to a very cramped utility room/laundry room, and they were able to get the old set out and the new set in in about 20 minutes total. I was so impressed I bought a set the next day and it's been a lifesaver.
I've moved awkward and heavy furniture, appliances, entire households, even a 4'x5' granite countertop where we clamped the belt around the bottom so it wouldn't slip and lifted it right out of the house.
Best money you will ever spend if you move heavy things with any frequency.
I felt my fingers smashing into metal guard rails from reading that lol.
Next time I'm going to make sure to get a lifting strap, so it'll somewhat simulate deadlifts/farmer's-carry
Es gibt noch Traghilfen für manche Sachen, die können euch bei sowas vielleicht helfen, sollte aber vorher kurz getestet werden das man versteht wie es funktioniert und es richtig benutzt ansonsten kann sowas sehr wehtun und eher stören als helfen.
get something like this and also strap the fridge shut. you and a friend should be able to use this to get a fridge downstairs without much issue. note that i've mostly dealt with smaller fridges - a big one could be 300 lbs, so check the weight before you commit
I would think so. I would be clear on the stairs though, and how much clearance (on both sides) you have going down the stairs. And if there's any bends or anything that would make it more tricky. Also ask about height clearance down the stairs as well.
I did only moving/heavy lifting for years on this platform. These moving straps were literally the most important tool in my toolbox for moving. Makes big pieces like this so much easier with way less strain.
There exists (these)[Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - Lifting Strap for 2 Movers - Move, Lift, Carry, And Secure Furniture, Appliances, Heavy, Bulky Objects Safely, Efficiently, More Easily Like The Pros - Essential Moving Supplies - LD1000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_NNBGTDY2XH3WYHD11JDY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1] stupid things. That's what they were using.
I am a tool freak. I love tools and have a lot.
But one of the most useful things I have purchased in the last year is this. You will be amazed at how much you and one other person can lift with these harnesses and you won't ruin your back.
Well worth the reasonable cost. :
Step 1. Convince your spouce the room needs a massive bay window (that opens all the way "wink wink")
Step 2. Install a winch on a sliding I beam on the roof
Congrats you have a lift with a massive opening.
If the spouce thinks it's to modern and not fitting, just claim it's 17th centruary amsterdam architecture and they probably colonised the land at some point.
Otherwise movers tent to use this.
My wife's nephew and his buddy moved my safe by themselves with shoulder straps. Empty the safe weighs around 550 lbs I think, and they moved it with all of my guns in it. Out of my house down the front stairs (about 10 stairs), through my driveway to the garage in the back yard. The hardest part for them was getting the straps under the safe so that is to say it wasn't particularly difficult at all.
Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - Lifting Strap for 2 Movers - Move, Lift, Carry, And Secure Furniture, Appliances, Heavy, Bulky Objects Safely, Efficiently, More Easily Like The Pros - Essential Moving Supplies - LD1000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_C85QCP7XFBR1ATGX1R8M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have the BJIII and had to get it up a flight of stairs. Used a shoulder dolly to help stabilize it and make it easier to carry. It is awkward to lift due to the size + weight. The Classic III should be much more manageable than the BJIII
Me and the father in law did this a few months ago.
It can't be more than 40-50kg, easily moved by two chaps. Make up a sled from 18mm plywood and 2x4s, strap it on and slide it down the stairs (with a rope rigged to control slow descent!). Or buy a shoulder dolly kit and walk it down on a half-pallet.
Who is being a dick to you? Also, you should invest in these.
I can't imagine going a moving company for $300, complete with truck and etc., unless it was a couple of high school or college students kids for a Saturday.
Real life pro tip: If you DIY your move, get some moving moving straps like this: Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - Lifting Strap for 2 Movers - Move, Lift, Carry, And Secure Furniture, Appliances, Heavy, Bulky Objects Safely, Efficiently, More Easily Like The Pros - Essential Moving Supplies - LD1000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_h2JRFbPW1R1DX
You can easily move things like sofas and appliances with this. Take off the footpads of sofas to easily maneuver through doorways.
Have everything boxed up ahead of time. Use the same size of boxes from Uhaul or Home Depot, so you can easily move them with a dolly and stack then easily in the rented truck.
Thanks, bought this one on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Shoulder-Dolly-2-Person-Lifting-Moving/dp/B00022749Q/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1521336336&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=furniture+lifting+strap&psc=1
From reading the reviews, it seems like exactly what I need.
I was looking at my stove's specs the other day, and none of the elements have a power rating that could be supplied by a household 120V circuit, even at 20 amps. You could manufacture a cord from cab-tire, but it would be pretty expensive, and you would likely have to use a larger gauge cord to accommodate the voltage drop, depending on the distance. Probably gonna have to lug it into the house. Shoulder dolly moving straps would be your best bet.
Shoulder Dolly Straps like these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Ev9wFbF8P96NH
One of the best $40 spent in awhile! You think they wouldn't make a huge difference, because you still have to carry the weight, but they make moving objects a LOT simpler.
My wife and I bought some new vanities for our upstairs bathroom a couple weeks ago, and with one being ~220 lb (48" vanity) and the other ~140 lb, without them it would have been a no go without hiring someone.
You just hook them on, place the strap under the item, squat and tighten your straps (use your legs!), and them lift together. Sure it was still heavy with 110 lb between us when level, but we were able to keep it off the stairs and stabilize ourselves using the handrails since our hands weren't under the vanity.
A worth it buy to have around the house for when you ever need them.
Best of luck to you guys.
If you cannot find a mover at a price you like, this is how I move heavy stuff. I call up a good strong friend, and bribe him with pizza and beer. We throw these on and go to it:
You can move a lot of weight safely with these bad boys.
Those are good. I, personally, prefer the ones that hook over your shoulders, so that the load is distributed there, and your hands are free to level the load and so forth.
The ones I used when swapping washer/dryer in my new house with the ones in my old house were these. They were beefy enough that a friend and I were also able to use them to lift up and move a 400-pound wood-stove fireplace insert.
Get some heavy furniture straps and maybe like 2 more buds.
Another person and this shoulder dolly
straps to lift and carry
to get it out of the hole, lift it onto cardboard so it will slide without damaging the floor
Ertu þá ekki að tala um svoleiðs strappa ?
Ef svo er hvað heitir þetta á íslensku eða hvar fæst þetta almennt?
( og takk :)
You're not getting a fridge up multiple stairs with that though. This is the type of strap they moved mine with, with ease.
TIL I am delivery guy. Shoulder straps makes the job quite easy.
Shoulder dolly And slider pads Add a 6 pack of local brew or a couple highballs of Basil Hayden's, depending on how many buddies are needed, I can usually move about anything. Pro tip: on hard surfaces like laminate and linoleum make sure the floor is clean and spray some windex in front of those pads and they glide like butter. On hardwood floors double over a oiled up microfiber under them and you won't scratch your floors.
I found out about these after the event. If only.
Right tool for the job:
Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_J9JA8RBANSVEM1WG2VMW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Couple ratchet straps and boom. Ya know, instead of crack.
Keep in mind, that weight is including all of the firebox, slo roller, grates, heat deflectors etc...
Empty, the BJ3 is right at 240lbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJFi8qI6DUE
Though, I agree with you, it still won't roll easy. OP me and a buddy moved mine about 180ft from my garage to the back yard through a gate (much wider so it didn't really factor in) using this https://www.amazon.com/Shoulder-Dolly-Moving-Straps-Efficiently/dp/B00022749Q/
Did it in one go without putting it down, but it was definitely a struggle. Took a breather, then lifted it up into the cart which I had already brought to the back patio.
Pretty sure it’s a harness for moving bulky objects. It’s used by 2 people. Similar to this… [https://www.amazon.com/Shoulder-Dolly-Moving-Straps-Efficiently/dp/B00022749Q](harness for carrying heavy objects)
Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - Lifting Strap for 2 Movers - Move, Lift, Carry, And Secure Furniture, Appliances, Heavy, Bulky Objects Safely, Efficiently, More Easily Like The Pros - Essential Moving Supplies - LD1000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_WTPZTFB0F9SWGJ0RMEZA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Forearm Forklift Lifting and Moving Straps for Furniture, Appliances, Mattresses or Heavy Items up to 800 lbs, 2-Person, with Mover's Rubber Band, Orange, Model L74995CNFRB https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GIG64HM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_A9TN328YWFH4EW4NA4H2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My friend and I carried 2 big joes still in the box, strapped to the pallet, around my house to the back patio. They weigh nearly 500 lbs a piece that way. But we're fairly strong fellas.
We used this:
I think if I had a classic to move up some tight stairs I'd unpack it all and carry the shell empty, with the lid attached. Separating the lid & base is kind of a pain in the ass.
You could also make one of these fairly easily:
In another life I used to move pianos, if you have a dolly and some shoulder lifting straps (for stairs or obstacles) it's pretty manageable with two reasonably strong people. Here's a video explaining how to put a piano on the dolly https://youtu.be/zLm49hx5aHM. As you can see with limited stairs it can be done by one person alone. Many part of the piano come off easily without any tools, top lid, front, kneeboard etc. This can alleviate some of the weight.
However if it's a 6 story walk up, like AScullionsDiary said above a sawzall and call a scrapper they will likely take it away for free - that's about 250-300 pounds of cast iron.
I was going to say get those shoulder strap mover things and put his ass to work.
here's the product in question: https://www.amazon.com/Shoulder-Dolly-Moving-Straps-Efficiently/dp/B00022749Q
I used this thing to move my table from a upstairs game room https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_gy4jFbMRY8NG6
Ran it length wise under the slate
I have used "Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps" to lift/move heavy items. You will need one more person to help you. It allows using your core strength.
This link is just an example of the product, there are many various brands that make them. It is surprisingly effective. https://www.amazon.com/Shoulder-Dolly-Moving-Straps-Efficiently/dp/B00022749Q
I HIGHLY recommend something like this:
I've had a super similar experience (having to move out of a second floor, and the 180˚ turn on the stairs was murder), and I don't know how we'd have done it without the lifting harnesses. Get the ones that are full harnesses (like I've linked to), not the ones that just go over your forearms.
I agree with the 4 wheel dolly + piano strap/ hump strap method as being the one that should work for you the best without having to buy any other specialty equipment.
Easiest overall for two men (if you were willing to buy other specialty equipment) would probably be putting the tv on a 4 wheel dolly, draping a pad over the tv (more to protect the walls than the tv) and putting a separate ratchet strap around the tv and dolly to secure the tv to the dolly while you carry it, then using those shoulder dolly straps (the ones that many furniture movers use for lifting heavy refrigerators, etc) and having them go under the dolly from one end to the other attached to a guy on each side.
Like this, basically (only picture it as being a giant CRT TV that they're lifting and with a 4 wheel dolly under it and a strap around the side, as well): https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/vc/22112b86-0a5c-49c1-9662-0d34649f3d15._CR0,58,450,450_PT0_SX300__.jpg