I bought these Shure E215 Wireless Buds from Amazon for $150 and I'm pretty happy with the sound quality. Shure is one of the top trusted names in pro audio equipment.
Plus, you can remove the ear pieces from the battery/connected wire and either replace the battery or plug them into a 3.5mm wire that they sell.
The battery lasts me about a day and a half, but I bought the 3.5mm wire for the extra $40 for those times I forgot to charge them or for just a quick and easy audio connection.
Professional grade monitor-style headphones that are slim when worn. Your helmet should slip over them just fine and they're sound isolating on their own. Shure makes a wireless mod for them but it's pricey and seems bulky for a helmet.
I'm surprised the Sure SE215's haven't been mentioned in this thread yet. You will have to regularly replace the foam bits that go into your ear but these are solid earbuds and I use them every time I ride and on the airplane.
I use Shure SE215-K Sound Isolating Earphones. I have them plugged into my Sena 10S.
They have great sound, fit under my helmet, and come with a multitude of various plugs to fit almost any ear size/shape. They've got very good sound isolation and work effectively as earplugs. The cord hooks over the back of your ears so they won't get pulled out when you put your helmet on either.
The sound is really decent, and beat the hell out of the crappy Sena speakers that my 10S came with. I wore out my first pair Shure headphones after many years, and bought a new pair last year. And, if you don't want to spend the money on the Sena, just plug the Shure headphones into your phone instead.
I use these Shure ear buds. Love them. Sound great, block out a ton of noise. Can get it with a mic or without if you want it for calls. The bids detach from the wire so if it gets frayed you just spend $20 on a new wire rather than replace the entire thing. I don't want the hassle of having to charge batteries all the time. Cable never bothers me. I usually run it under my shirt in the back. https://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8
I would recommend the Shure SE215's https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=twister_B004WI34TU?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I listen to a lot of EDM and rock and these have a bit of a warm signature but still an overall good sound profile. These will almost completely isolate you from sound, they're like wearing ear plugs with speakers in them and say they're rated to block up to 37 decibels (I think that number might be a bit high but they still block at least 25). The only big downside, its a process to put them in, and a process to get them out. You have to roll them foam tips between your fingers, and push them in exactly like ear plugs. They also required a bit of slow pulling for me to get them out without hurting, but for noise isolation, these will get the job done. They didn't work well for me because I have people come in and out of my office a lot, and having to pull them out to talk to people made them a pain, keep this in mind.
Edit: They're also very durable, I accidently washed the right ear bud, let it dry for a week or so, and it works 100% absolutely like it did before.
These plus the triple flange add ons work well for listening to music and acting as noise cancelling. A little pricey, and you can spend more if you want some more bass or clarity. They work well under my helmet.
I have a pair of Shure SE215s, for the second time now the right earbud is cutting out depending on how the cable is situated. Is there an easy way to fix that or am I doing something wrong that's causing this?
For reference
I know you specifically mentioned over the ear headphones, but I have a pair of Shure SE215s and the noise isolation on them is amazing.
Budget - USD $100 option as well as a $200 option Source - Pixel XL via USB C to Fiio K1 to IEM Requirements for Isolation - I am in college so I would like them to completely tune out everything around me. Preferred Type of Headphone - IEM's Preferred tonal balance - I want them to have good bass that punches. Past headphones - I have alot of experiences with over the ear headphones. I have used. Audio Technica M50X's, Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO Open Back Headphones, Harmon Kardon's, there are more but can't think of the models. Preferred Music - Hip-Hop
The Fiio K1 Dac is new. I wanted something on the smaller side. Should I return it and get something better?
I am also currently trying the Shure SE215-K Sound Isolating Earphones with Single Dynamic MicroDriver and I can't decide if I like them or if it the DAC.
I do really like the fact as to how they wrap around the ear.
Budget - USD $100 option as well as a $200 option Source - Pixel XL via USB C to Fiio K1 to IEM Requirements for Isolation - I am in college so I would like them to completely tune out everything around me. Preferred Type of Headphone - IEM's Preferred tonal balance - I want them to have good bass that punches. Past headphones - I have alot of experiences with over the ear headphones. I have used. Audio Technica M50X's, Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO Open Back Headphones, Harmon Kardon's, there are more but can't think of the models. Preferred Music - Hip-Hop
The Fiio K1 Dac is new. I wanted something on the smaller side. Should I return it and get something better?
I am also currently trying the Shure SE215-K Sound Isolating Earphones with Single Dynamic MicroDriver and I can't decide if I like them or if it the DAC.
I do really like the fact as to how they wrap around the ear.
Hi there, this thread will probably get deleted since it violates Rule 1 (post purchase requests in the sticky thread)
but check out the Shure SE215
The Shure SE215-K seem to be popular and have a replaceable cord. They are, however, expensive.
You could look for a pair that has a removable cable like this one. I'm shure there's some cheaper clones out there.
Shure Shure SE215-K Sound Isolating Earphones with Single Dynamic MicroDriver are great!
I also have a pair of Sony Studio MDR700's which are my favorite (albeit a bit bulky).
For wireless I have the S2CDW Skullcandy bluetooth sports buds.
You only get one set of ears. I'd absolutely recommend hearing protection.
I'm currently saving up for these, which have been highly recommended to me. They have the advantage of also being headphones so I can use them to play a metronome.
I love my pair of Shure earbuds. They're a bit spendy, but they're wonderful. Good sound quality, and noise isolating so it blocks out a lot of sound. They also come with 3 sizes of both foam and silicone buds, so there's a good chance you'll find something that works for you.
I've been considering the Shure SE215 but the over-ear looping aspect is a pretty big turnoff for me.
I picked up a pair of Shure SE215's about a year ago, and I've been very happy. The ear bud tips are essentially foam ear plugs, so I can't really hear anything in the office around me.
Budget - $120 slightly flexible
Source - iPhone, PS4 controller, PC
Isolation - none
Public? yes
Preferred Type - Never used IEMs but from some googling it seems to be better than earbuds?
tonal balance - balanced because I'll be using it for gaming as well as music
Past headphones - HD 598. Loved everything except bass was slightly lacking and they are basically unusable in public.
Preferred Music - Don't think it matters since I'll be gaming with these earbuds too. I don't listen to bass heavy music but I do need an acceptable amount of bass for shooting and explosions while gaming.
improve on from your set-up - I have no other earbuds to compare iphone earbuds to so pretty much everything. Comfort is really important because I'd like to be able to fall asleep on my side with the earbuds on.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Thinking of getting the Shure SE215. Is there anything as good or better with a mic?
I bought these headphones (https://www.amazon.ca/Shure-SE215-K-Sound-Monitor-Black/dp/B004PNZFZ8) on a suggestion from /r/running and they are by far the best pair I've ever owned. I've had them for over 3 years, the sound quality is amazing, and they stay put no matter what activity I'm doing and how sweaty I am.
Shure SE215's are a popular choice in that price range. Solid build quality, detachable cable, come with extra Comply foam tips (the medium ones probably offer the best seal), decent bass, etc.
Shure SE215, not super cheap at $100 but these are basically the perfect motorcycle headphones. http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8
Noise isolating (I can use them at the gun range for earplugs), excellent sound quality and the whole driver sits flush in your ear canal and the wire loops over the ear to keep it in place. Doesn't even touch the helmet at all so you can wear it for extended periods.
If you're deterred by the price I understand, but these are phenomenal.
I don't plan on ordering a pair tonight so that won't be a problem, what's massdrop?
Right now I'm looking at the Sure SE-215s; they seem to meet all of my criteria. Is there anything better I can get for the price?
I've been riding for a bit less than a year. I find it very tiring to ride without headphones as the wind noise above a certain speed hurts my ears. Chose the Shure SE215 for their passive insulation and sturdy cable and I'm happy with it.
I use the Shure SE315's. They are in-ear buds and provide great sound quality. They also have the Shure SE215's which are in your price range. But if you are looking for more for the large closed-ear type headphones you can ignore this post.
I've had the old version of these in-ear headphones for about 5 years now, can't reccomend them enough. clear, warm, only draw back is the mid-highs aren't as bright as some more expensive headphones, but for the price point they are the best i've heard. the SE315's are also pretty damn tits, and clear up the problem with the mid-highs. but at $160ish they're on the high side of your price point.
In regards to isolation with IEMs you're going to want to pair whatever you get with foam tips (if it doesn't already come with it).
At $90-100: Shure SE215, comes with foam tips and if you're looking for replacement Shure's are some of the best/most durable and are reasonably priced (especially compared to Comply tips).
At $40-50: MEE M6 Pro, comes with an assortment of tips so you can try foam tips or see if more durable flange tips will work for you (won't for me).
And the obligatory plug for KZ IEMs: The silicone tips and cable they come with are pretty bad. I'd personally recommend buying comply's tips with wax guard (mostly to tame the highs problem they tend to have) which will cost you around $20 for a box. An upgrade cable is recommended by not required and will cost you $10-15 (not providing a link, search for "KZ [IEM model] cable" and it will give you options, different models use different connectors based on how they fit in your ear).
The following are three relatively balanced (newer ZS5's and all ZS6's have some sharp highs that can be brought down with Comply foam tips with wax guard to be enjoyable) options which will depend on what you prefer for aesthetics/build quality/price. Remember to add $20-35 to the prices for tips/cable.
KZ ZST - $20: Plastic and worst build quality, but cheaper and since it's plastic doesn't have the sharp highs of the ZS5/ZS6.
KZ ZS5 - $35-40: Aluminum build, if you're lucky enough to get an earlier build then they won't require light modding or special tips.
KZ ZS6 - $45-50: Newer ZS5 with a slightly different appearance. Also a green option if you search for it.
(Note: All prices were pulled from Amazon, you can get cheaper options if you're willing to wait and deal with ebay/aliexpress/gearbest.)
Beats are absolutely terrible headphones. Even entry level in-ears from Shure will crush those: https://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8
Additionally, a good in-ear will isolate the "tap tap" sound from the plastic on the e-kit and you'll just hear what's in the headphones.
Beats is not a headphone brand, it's a marketing brand.
I had the same problem. Right now I’m using these. It’s an investment but they haven’t broken on me ever and if they do the wires are replaceable.
If you can save 90$ I strongly recommend you this ones, I have a year and a half with them and this ones are sturdy and have a great sound. Have been using them at office and commutes:
Different tips included for your earholes(L, M, & S foamies and silicones. With other tips are available for purchase [triple flange is dope]). Blocks wind noise. Wraps over the top of your ear so it doesn't get pulled out when putting on your helmet(This is better than that stupid flimsy plastic junk on your Bose).
Sidenote: If you use these daily like I do, plan on replacing the cable every 6 months or so. The cables are $30 a pop for OEM, or you can get cheap china cables for about $10-$15. If you plan on using the foamie tips, look up how to properly insert them (roll, lick, & stick method)
I dont have them myself but my friend does and he thinks they are great.
but consider the Shure 215's
I can't decide between these. I was wonder if anyone who owns any of these can give their opinion.
Shure SE215 and for the love of God, use the hard shell case they give you.
Budget - $75-300 (hard limit Is $300 – around $200 would be great but I’m flexible if I can find the right headphones)
Source – Dell laptop computer E7470 (work). At work I’m usually using the high quality stream/download from Spotify. I also use Soundcloud for DJ mixes, and Apple Music.
Requirements for Isolation – I prefer at least some. I work in an office where some people are fairly loud
Will you be using these Headphones in Public? – Yes, daily at work. It is possible I would take these on flights, but I wouldn’t be using in any other public area.
Preferred Type of Headphone – Full sized is preferable, but I would consider on-ear or even in-ear if all other criteria could be met.
Preferred tonal balance – I prefer balanced. I could deal with a little bit of bass enhancement as long as everything else is balanced and the bass isn’t overdone (which usually seems to be the case when bass is enhanced).
Past headphones – Right now I’m using cheap Skull Candy earbuds at work. I previously used Shure SE215-K at work. I recently lost these on a trip when I left them on a plane. I did like the Shure headphones. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004PNZFZ8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I used to use Sony MDR V700 headphones for club DJ’ing (house music).
Preferred Music:
- Electronic (house, downtempo, trip-hop, drum and bass): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEMiwEn-cwk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTFrCbQGyvM
- Hip-hop/Rap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC2EQvdzmY , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkGwI7nGehA , and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK-EZwZviv8
- Alternative, Rock, County/Alt-country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fCknJQpLjw , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEr9gMYdkHI , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u57d4_b_YgI
What would you like to improve on from your set-up – I prefer over the ear/full size headphones. I feel like in ear headphones often ‘hurt’ my ears after prolonged use (maybe it’s just the crappy ones I’m using?). I’m looking for a cleaner, more balanced sound. I know that won’t be hard to find considering I’m using Skull Candy earbuds. but here’s the kicker… I need something that won’t give me “headphone hair.” I work in a fairly professional office and often have meetings with executives. I prefer not to go into those meetings looking like I’ve been dj’ing for 6 straight hours. I’m not sure if there are models that the headband part can easily be turned towards the back of my head or can be extended and still stay on my ears.
Thanks for any help that can be provided. I greatly appreciate it!
edit: formatting
Should I buy this? Or is there something else you guys recommend for around the same budget? I can go higher if necessary
Should I buy this or this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004PNZFZ8?ref=emc_b_5_i
Drummer here and these are what i use:
And this:
And you might need a 1/4 to 1/8 inch adapter pending on your mixer/interface
Hope this helps!
I have an Icon Airmada helmet and a Sena 20s. I hated the speakers that came with the helmet. I have had to RMA them twice now. I have started using a pair of IEMs with mine. Specifically I use a pair of Shure se215s I had sitting around. The IEMs act as both earplugs and speakers. I can really hear what is coming in music, phone calls, anything else. They protect my hearing like plugs do.
They are inconvenient as I have a cable dangling down my front, but I always just zip that up in my jacket and get riding. The specific headphone extension I own kept falling out, so I zip tied it into place. I had gone through three, shorter extensions, but they kept failing on me at the bottom of the reinforcement.
The IEMs I also chose because they are relatively low profile, and they loop around the back of the ears so they resist pulling out when I put my helmet on. I also ride with a neck gaiter pulled up over the back of my head as well. I run the IEMs up to my ears, pull the neck gaiter on and then shove my helmet on top of all of that. I personally love IEMs anyways, so this was about as good as it can get for me.
My IEMs I am using
Not in Germany, unless you are willed to order from Singapore or China and wait for 6-8 weeks until they arrive.
Or you make your wallet cry a little.
If you do want to gamble with Asian imports from Aliexpress (be prepared to get fucked by the customs office):
~~I'd keep an eye out for the Etymotic Research ER4P-T MicroPro, but they haven't have a significant price drop in a year.~~ [Completely of your price range, I had the currencies mixed up). An alternative would be the Etymotic HF3..
Otherwise, I'd give the Shure SE215's a try. My brother has them and loves them.
~~There's the bose QC20's at the top of your budget as well, but they're active so the battery pack might be bulky to work out with.~~ Wrong currencies, out of your mentioned price range. But active would cancel more sound than passive (which do not require batteries).
I haven't tried them out yet (ordered them yesterday), but everyone here goes on and on about these guys.
If you want detailed analysis, the guys at r/headphones can help you out.
Shure SE215's are great in-ear headphones for the price : https://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479849351&sr=8-2&keywords=shure+se215
These Shure SE215s are pretty amazing for the price. Professional quality in-ear monitors. I don't know of anything better for the price.
I'm not an audiophile, but i have also been on a quest for a good set of IEM's that are reasonably priced. I first tried the Shure E215. They sound good and have great noise isolation. They're almost like having in ear plugs. The build quality is also great. I listen for long periods of time @ work (6-8 hours per day) and i found them to get uncomfortable towards the end of the day. Not terribly uncomfortable, but not pleasant to wear.
Next I tried the Focal Sphear IEM's. These sound great! I love them. They blow away the Shure E215 IEM's. The bass signature is very tight. I've never understood what people mean by muddy or booming bass, but after hearing the Focal IEM's i think I have a better idea. The sound overall is very clean. Makes me want to listen to all my music over again. They are very comfortable to wear, but don't have the noise isolation that the Shure IEM's have, but they sound much better IMO.
Again, I'm no audiophile so I probably don't know what I'm talking about!
I just added an extra cable to be able to charge at different locations using the USB port at least. By headphones you mean the earphones offered by OnePlus? If you are an audiophile I would not recommend ever using stock earphones.
They tend to be low quality and break easily depending on how much you use them. Over the last decade I've went through at least a dozen pairs of different brands and I couldn't recommend Shure more. Like these Shure SE215 (Canadian Amazon) Shure SE215 (US Amazon) with detachable cables.
From my experience cable break before the earphones do and changing them ends up being cheaper than buying new earphones each time. I use my earphones at least four hours a day and I've went from Shure SE215 to SE425 over time.
Sure SE215 with a 3rd party cable.
I got the Shure SE215 in ear headphones for 100. They're really durable and have amazing sound quality for their price.
I've had a pair of these Shure 215 for 5+ years. I wear them daily on my commute to work and in the gym, they are very comfortable, and sound great.
Located In Canada
Budget - up to $200
Source - Android Phone LG G3 - Poweramp And Windows 10 PC when I'm home.
Requirements for Isolation - Will be using on Public Transport
Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Yes mainly on the bus to and from college.
Preferred Type of Headphone -IEMS
Preferred tonal balance - Balanced with strong vocals. I don't want the beat of the music to overpower the vocals.
Past headphones - Sennhesier Momentum - I loved the sound. However the cord has begun tearing near the plug. I wouldn't mind a replaceable cord.
UrBeats - Bass was too strong. Didn't like it very much. Cord also ripped. That seems to be the #1 cause towards the death of my headphones.
Preferred Music -Hiphop/Rap
Personal Favourites - Clock Work Indigio - Butterfly Effect
What would you like to improve on from your set-up - Replaceable Cable would be nice but isn't a requirement.
Been looking at Shure SE215's and Mee Audio P1
The 2 main popular options in the $100ish range are the Shure SE215 and the RHA MA750i. The RHAs are more neutral than the Shure but still on the warm side. They are built like a tank with a 3 year warranty and have a mic with remote. The Shures are bassier so might be better for your EDM tastes and they have a removable cable but no mic and controls. You might be able to find a cable with mic and controls though. I would say go with the RHAs if you want a more neutral signature or the SE215 if you want more bass at the cost of some clarity.
Budget < $150 US
Source: surface pro 3, ipod
Isolation: Passive - Want to be able to sit with a study group and not be distracted by annoying people.
Public: yes
Preferred type: IEM
Balance: neutral/warm
Past headphones: Shure E2s from 2006.
Sennheiser HD 570
Preferred Music: Jazz and classical for studying. Also rock, folk, etc. Not much of a basshead at all but if there is bass in the song then I want to know it's there.
More info: Looking for a durable set of headphones that can survive being carried around in my backpack, so if it comes with a small case that is a plus. I've had the shure e2s since '06 and the right ear wire is finally splitting, and shocking me. They were pretty awesome headphones for the time and have held up wonderfully over the past 10 years.
I'm currently trying to decide between the Shure SE215 and the Ety HF5. I was sold on getting the shure until I saw they were bass heavy. Then I saw the HF5s which have good reviews but it looks like they have weird ear plugs which I don't know if they would fit.
I've looked through some of the links at the top and it's a bit overwhelming. Any suggestions to push me towards the se215 or the HF5, or a different set all together would be super helpful. Thanks!
Very nice IEM's and they feel like $200 IEM's. The only problem I had was that they weren't comfortable on me, but who knows, they might fit better on you.
Sure 215's Pretty popular, good value iems with a detachable cable.
T50RP mk3 Not as portable as you wanted (they are semi-open so there will be some sound leakage), but at that discount price they are a killer value. Might want to get a portable dac/amp like the fiio Q1 with it though.
M50x A little "basic" but for a reason. Good value closed cans that you'll be satisfied with.
DN-1000 I actually have these, so I can do a pretty good job telling you about them. The bass is strong and great, the rest is good. They are prone to feedback noises from low quality sources like cheap phones, though, and the highs can be harsh at times.
Hope this helped.
Budget - 150$
Source - Laptop mostly
Requirements for Isolation - A must have. Will be using at home when it's really loud most of the time.
Preferred Type of Headphone - Conflicted between IEM and full-size right now. I want the portability and isolation of the IEMs but I feel like I can get so much more from regular headphones at the same price point.
Preferred tonal balance - Nothing really preferred since I'm new to all this
Past headphones - Cheap 20$ hand-me-down from a friend
Preferred Music - All sorts
What would you like to improve on from your set-up - I want something durable that'll last for a good while. Need isolation above all else though.
I've been looking at the Shure 215 and the RE400 as my top picks so far. But I can get the ATH m40x for the same price as the 215s. Any advice?
Edit: The m6 pros look like a nice cheaper alternative too.
I love these. Shure SE215's.
The Shure SE215 has detachable cables and can be found for ninety dollars on Amazon. Replacement cables are typically around twenty-seven dollars each, but there are other options as little as seventeen dollars each.
...why is 90 EURO consider expensive for a quality pair of noise cancelling headphones? Disregard all the super high end In-Ear-Monitors like Heir, Final, and JH Audio, etc, even the most "decent" IEMs from Shure, Sony and Ultimate Ears cost around the same price... and remember, that's usually without the noise cancelling function! For comparison, a Bose QC20 cost about $300.
You have many options with this budget. I'll link you a couple at different prices in USD using US amazon as many arent listed on CA amazon. also most of the items at this price range are warm in varying degrees (bass tilted).
> Shure SE215
Is there a different between this, and the SE215-K found here?
There's an IEM guide in the side bar to do some research on but if you want an easy pick I'd go with the Shure SE215 or equivalent with inline controls.
Sorry for the delay, briefly waylaid by life.
For your budget and preferences, two options really stand out in my mind as strong options:
The first would be VSonic's GR07 Classic ^review/GR07 Bass Edition ^review, which runs either $88 (for the Classic) or $118 (for the Bass Edition). It's not the bassiest IEM out there, but is has a noticeable bass boost that gives it some extra impact relative to a truly neutral IEM. It's an exceptionally good value, probably my favourite sub-$200 IEM now that the VC1000 is discontinued, and it sounds absolutely great. The bass has solid impact, but the mids and highs remain clear and crisp, and I personally find it to be a very comfortable IEM.
The second would be Shure's SE215 ^review, which is typically $99 just about everywhere. The SE215 is probably the single most recommended sub-$100 IEM in the world, and in some ways it really does deserve it: it's a very well-built, ergonomic IEM, and it has a detachable cable which can be replaced fairly cheaply if it breaks. The sound, however, is the downside in my opinion. The SE215 certainly brings the bass in a serious way, but I personally find it to sound rather muddy as a result, with the mids overly warm and the highs lacking. It's not a bad sounding IEM, but the GR07 absolutely smokes it in everything other than raw bass quantity in my personal opinion.
Beyond that, there are two other IEMs in that general price range you might consider. I haven't heard either myself, so I'll just give a simple summary and link reviews by Joker, whose IEM impressions I trust implicitly. The first is RHA's M750^review, which runs about $120. It's a very solidly built, warmly-tuned IEM which is known for its metal construction and excellent warranty. The other would be Philips' Fidelio S1 or S2^review, which run $90 and $105, respectively. Rather uniquely-designed (they're actually semi-open, presumably to allow more driver excursion), the Fidelios are more neutrally tuned than the Shures or the RHAs, more in-line with the VSonics.
I really like those 2nd ones. 99 on amazon. I'll check em out. thanks bunches, friend.
Have an adorable kitty as a thank you. http://www.mediatracks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/adorable-cat.jpg
I fly almost constantly and I'm also a sober person, so drugs/alcohol are out. Here's a few tips that will make your entire trip much more comfortable.
If you can't afford those, buy some cheap earplugs. Ambient noise on a plane is fucking exhausting. You don't realize how much engine noise there is until you completely block it out.
Pick up an Ostrich Pillow Light - this will turn any surface into a very comfortable pillow while also blocking out any light. I've become very attached to mine.
For entertainment, podcasts and movies are king. I recommend the podcast Uhh Yeah Dude, which is an hour long and is possibly the most entertaining podcast around. Highly recommended. For movies, go with stuff that's funny and light - dramas can really drag and make time seem to go slower. Action movies and big cinematic shit like Avatar shouldn't be watched on small screens. Grab Shaun of the Dead and some flicks like that.
Games are good too, but nothing you need to be super quick handed with. Civ 5 will decimate hours of your life in what feels like minutes. Story games like Kentucky Route Zero are also really great.
Books are great, magazines are great. Reading a guidebook or a fiction book that takes place in the country you're going to makes everything a bit more exciting.
If you smoke, buy an electronic cigarette and hit it in the bathroom, but don't cloud the place up. I've set off the alarms by accidentally blowing a cloud into the fire detector.
Stand up, walk around a bit every hour. Stretch your legs, drink a lot of water.
Bring a bottle of Saline nasal spray. Planes are notoriously dry and that will help you feel comfortable.
Hope this helps!
Shure SE215s are highly regarded around here, and fit your preferences perfectly: http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435095103&sr=8-1&keywords=shure+se215
The Shure SE215s sound perfect for you: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435010064&sr=8-1&keywords=se215
The Shure SE215s are a nice bassy set of IEMs that are highley regarded around here: http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435681028&sr=8-1&keywords=se215
Shure SE215s are the go to for this price range: http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433640478&sr=8-1&keywords=se215
Easiest solution is a flat IEM like the Shure SE215 + a regular 3M hearing protection
A cheaper option would be the Meeletronic M6 PRO
Bluetooth sound quality is usually very shitty and never recommended over a wired headphone, but since you asked for it the best you can get is the Bluebud X. The thing is that BT IEMs always need to have a battery and stick out of the ear, which probably makes wearing them under a hearing protection impossible. I've never tried this, it could work :)
Take a look at Shure SE215.
Great isolation, very comfortable with the right size tips, and nice bass for the music you like.
Shure SE215 is slightly bass lenient, but you can't go wrong with them: http://www.amazon.com/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1429812009&sr=1-1&keywords=se215
The Shure SE215s are a great pair of IEMs for that price point: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shure-SE215-K-Isolating-Earphones-MicroDriver/dp/B004PNZFZ8/ref=sr_1_1?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1429876824&sr=1-1&keywords=se215
I recommend Shure 215k they aren't bassy, but they are accurate and comfortable to wear for hours on end. I've had my pair for 5+ years and i use the every day.
shure se215, I have a set and they're absolutely awesome at noise isolating.
The SE215s are what I use. It took me a week to get used to them (they're in my ear! wtf?) but now I can't take the subway without them—whether or not I'm listening to music.