u/groweasy111111 Thanks for posting. I'm using a 15DBI on the eave of a 4 story... very flat land... I get things about a half mile away but can't get anything from a quarter of a mile. Doesn't make much sense. The helium mapper says I should be hooked up to 50 hotspots. Just sad. Here is what I'm using. I did upgrade the cable, lightening arrester etc. Would value thoughts. https://www.amazon.com/Signalplus-Antenna-Outdoor-32-8foot-Blockchain/dp/B092RVT1HD/ref=sr\_1\_11?crid=14M8CY1CTJJDI&dchild=1&keywords=915mhz+antenna&qid=1631740930&s=electronics&sprefix=915%2Celectronics%2C225&sr=1-11
This is the antenna I upgraded to: Signalplus Lora Antenna Helium... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092RVT1HD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Also the antenna is probably about 15meters above the ground + location is on a mountain 500+ feet above sea level.