"Signing Made Easy (A Complete Program for Learning Sign Language. Includes Sentence Drills and Exercises for Increased Comprehension and Signing Skill) " by Rod R. Butterworth and Mickey Flodin [This is just a link to the book on Amazon]
**Copied and Pasted response I gave to someone else for conversation's sake because I want to be educated :D ** vvv
I kind of thought it was off when I was seeing the signs for 'Is' and 'Are'. But I saw them doing the 'trace the question mark' thing and I was like...Nah there's specifically a sign for question/ask, right? And your facial expressions should indicate when you're asking, right?
Also, that's not the sign for "What".
The ones I was less sure about but felt were off, were the boy/girl signs having weird bouncy dribble-basket-ball motions in front of the stomach. And it -looks- like they have the girl sign mixed up with the home sign? But maybe I'm wrong about that one?
Later on, in that same sample, I knew I was seeing other blatantly incorrect signs. Like the sign for "was", instead of being like the before/past was some weird like bouncing 'w' sign?
It's weird.
Are misleading and poor educational sources like this a problem the community regularly faces?
Yeah, it's um, "Signing Made Easy (A Complete Program for Learning Sign Language. Includes Sentence Drills and Exercises for Increased Comprehension and Signing Skill) " by Rod R. Butterworth and Mickey Flodin ( I swear this is just a link to it on Amazon )
I kind of thought it was off when I was seeing the signs for 'Is' and 'Are'. But I saw them doing the 'trace the question mark' thing and I was like...nah there's specifically a sign for question/ask, right? And your facial expressions should indicate when you're asking, right?
Also, that's not the sign for "What".
The ones I was less sure about but felt were off, were the boy/girl signs having weird bouncy dribble-basket-ball motions in front of the stomach. And it -looks- like they have the girl sign mixed up with the home sign? But maybe I'm wrong about that one?
Later on in that same sample I knew I was seeing other blatantly incorrect signs. Like the sign for "was", instead of being like the before/past was some weird like bouncing 'w' sign?
It's weird.
Since you're writing a paper on it, are misleading and poor educational sources like this a problem the community regularly faces?
I've really wanted to learn ASL. American Sign Language. If I went to college, that woulda been my major. Might still happen, who knows. I'm not sure why I want to learn it, I've just always had that itch.urge that it was for me. I'm not much of a vocal talker, I like to rely on body language more, and sign language is all about body language. Literally, lol. And I think it looks beautiful to speak with your hands like that. A few years ago, I learned a few songs to sign along with, but I've since forgotten them. Need to get back into that. It was a fun way to learn the signs for words.
What a great idea ! Dang. I never thought to look to Amazon for learning aids. Huzzah !
Uh...does this count ?
Universal sign language....but this would probably be pretty funny as well.
Thanks for the contest :D