let it sit, then buy some silica gel packets and put it in a bag or something. use something like this https://www.amazon.com/Desiccant-Canister-Dehumidifier-Reusable-Chloride/dp/B07CZ856NV/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=BNQXYK5LSDE7&keywords=silica+gel+container&qid=1671550035&sprefix=silica+gel++con%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-4
These are what I use. 2 in each case. They don't need recharging often.
Oil them liberally and put some of these in with them. You want to have them in some sort of sealed container - whether that is a waterproof case or something as simple as a trash bag tightly tied shut. If you have desiccant packs in with them in a sealed container and they are well-oiled, they will be fine for a very long time.
I use https://smile.amazon.com/Desiccant-Canister-Dehumidifier-Reusable-Chloride/dp/B07CZ856NV for some ammo and my fireproof boxes. Every year or so toss them into the oven for a bit. Rusable yo
Lenses "breathe" a bit when focused - elements are moving in and out and the air has to get displaced. Pro lenses may have better dust sealing... some zoom lenses, you can hold the rear element in front of your eye and feel the air blow out of the back. So they can suck dust in.
Dust won't start having sex and making baby-dust inside your lens; fungus though, that stuff can start growing and eating lens coatings. It's more an issue in warm/humid climates (look how many lenses from japan in ebay have fungus). To protect your lenses from fungus, storing them in airtight baggies with desiccant packs is a good idea. You can buy reusable desiccant setups, and there are even lens storage cabinets that are surprisingly affordable.