Hi boys, I often work out at a gym and I think the following info can be also useful for you. My wife doesn't like me to take off my wedding ring at gym and we always quarrel about it. I managed this problem quite cool - I bought a silicone wedding ring. It fits well and I'm not worried about getting any injury or damaging my metal ring. I bought one with bear footprint. I choose it because it's hypoalergenic and non-toxic. Now the manufacturer runs a 48% discount promo on Amazon. As I like it a lot I decided to recommend. Check here: https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Wedding-Electricians-Technicians-Footprint/dp/B01HF3HGX8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472112168&sr=8-1&keywords=silicone+wedding+ring