Not the person you replied to, but what machine are you using at home? And how much reduction do you get after how many weeks? I ask cause I'm a guy and using this lent by my mother. My experience is mixed; I have a pretty okay hair reduction, but it's been close to 20 weekly treatments and I don't see being done soon.
I just don't know if it's me or the machine, and if I need a new stronger one.
Laser for hair removal? If so, I have successfully used this (bought from Costco) for over 3 years. Not quite mine, but close:
the concealer/whatever you find works best over the shadow areas, then foundation on top of that. I gave this a shot back in march. My shadow is almost gone. What hairs come in now are almost 95% gone or clear vellus hair.
>Do you recommend a lufa in order to exfoliate better?
Lufa and other abrasives will only irritate your skin. If you want to exfoliate, use a chemical. See: /r/SkincareAddiction
>Do you recommend any back shaver device to reach back there?
Do you want to deal with ingrown hairs and stubble? If you're Jew hairy, as in white boy with black hair, try this if you want to get rid of hair:
>What do you think of shaving your entire body? My legs are hairy.
Women shave their body, do you want silky smooth women's legs?
>I know the body builders do it and also fake tan.
Because they get judged on their muscles. Hair covers muscle definition and fake tan defines them.
>Anyone out there go to all of the trouble to become a pretty boy for the ladies?
I believe this is a man's subreddit. Maybe you'd get more luck in /r/Ladyboys/
I have a home laser device, and holy wow has it ever cleared me right up.
Now im a lazy lady. so i skip weeks when i shouldn't. but i only did 2 runs on my legs, and went from needing a shave every other day, to needing one every 2 weeks. and the hair is spotty AF. on my arms and chest, neck, back, and cheeks.
i have lasered my face 4-5 times now and it has slowed the growth, but i still have a solid shadow. it is defiantly getting thinner though.
Link to my device
Consider this. It takes a long time to work - months - but it works very well if you stick with it and eventually you would only have to use it every couple of months. It's similar to laser but cheaper and DIY. That said, if your skin is very sensitive it's going to hurt (I can use it on my pubic bone but it hurts a lot on labia), and it will be difficult to get to certain spots you can't see.
I would assume as well that ingrown hairs would still be an issue with this or with laser, as the hairs do grow back at some point.
This one:
Also note, all of these home devices are technically "Intense Pulsed Light", not actual laser.
I bought my Silk'n Flash & Go August 2016. I've replaced the cartridge it came with once and probably won't need another. The cartridge it came with 5,000 pulses and I bought the "life time" 120,000 pulse cartridge after it died. I don't think they make the Flash & Go anymore and have rearranged the way the sell the devices. Some devices are cheaper where you will likely need to replace the cartridge and others come with the "life time" cartridge already with the higher price tag. If you get something with 300k pulses, I think you'll be totally fine unless you're related to Harry Henderson.
is this what you're referring to?