Yes, at least I switch around SIM cards without an issue afterwards. I have 4 cell boards and 2 cell phones. Note you may need a "SIM card adapter" like below depending on the size of your phone SIM card, I bought a set of these and they come in handy when using a SIM card from my phone in one of my cell boards.
If you do manage to connect, could you post back? I'm very curious to know what 2G availability there is, since I can only connect with 2G/EDGE mode.
Head to a corporate Verizon store (as suggested elsewhere), get a new SIM from them for free, have them activate it on your new phone.
If that doesn't work:
Get a SIM Adapter Tool, get a new Verizon nano-SIM from above, activate it on your Note 4 using the microSIM adapter, then put it in your Note 8 and profit
I've used a Verizon Note 4 and unlocked Note 8 (currently a Canadian Note 8 with US Unlocked firmware) on Verizon, using method #2, and still using the same number.
If you can purchase through US based Amazon, this might work for you: