> I don't know.
It's not a best seller for no reason.
>I'm not gonna get into an argument about gun control with you.
Nah you're just going to try and lie to me, then back out once I point out that anyone with eyes can see exactly what liberals will do with gun rights if given the chance.
>According to you
You immediately spit out a straw man after this point.
>Someday you'll realize your idiocy.
There's that liberal condescension. Your faux intellectualism is showing.
>I won't mourn you.
Of course you won't, in all likelihood we don't know each other. I don't know why you think that your disapproval of me is a weapon, because I genuinely don't care for the opinion of a fake American like you. You can click your tongue and chide me all you like, you might as well be a squirrel chittering for all I care.
If you're familiar with Gamma personalities (<em>SJW Always Lie</em> includes a thorough examination, because they're archetypal male SJWs), it's very clear he was being an asshole. Although this is not inconsistent with it "a shitty place to work", in fact, as of the end of summer 2017 that's a well established fact....
Maybe do this: (re-)read it from beginning to end, noting that one of the complaints about him was that he had to be right.
This, and also the fact that any good right-wing comedian immediately becomes the target of a campaign to dissuade his sponsors by threatening a boycott. This stuff is right out of SJWAL.
The Right will eventually overcome this problem by setting up substitutes for all left-wing controlled media, including Reddit itself. We've already got gab.ai to replace twatter and Infogalactic to replace Wikipedia. Next, I hope, will be a Youtube replacement.
> we are doing something that some aspect of society sees as bigotry
If you are triggered by someone calling you names, all that does is encourage them to control you even more by calling you even more names.
No organization has ever gotten a liberal to stop calling them a bigot by doing things to make the liberals happy (there are whole books devoted to how this fails as a PR tactic) All that happens is once liberals learn they can control leadership by calling them names, they call leadership those same names even more loudly and more often to control the organization even more.
Because liberals love controlling people. They are sure of their answers, don't bother them with facts or pointing out the failures of their policies, this only makes them double down on failure even harder.
That's a good question, and I haven't thought of anything really good. "Cuckservative" really struck home with nominal conservatives, but SJWs don't have the same veneer of dignity. On the plus side, though, they're always offended by everything.
I've been meaning to read Vox Day's book on the subject, and he still uses social justice warrior and SJW.
Read this: http://www.voxday.net/mart/SJW_Attack_Survival_Guide.pdf This is written by a guy who has the #1 best selling book on Amazon about SJWs: SJWs Always Lie. The biggest and most important advice I can give is: NEVER APOLOGIZE
Check out the two books by Vox Day.
The second one has very good advice on dealing with this in organizations.
For an in-depth look at the subject, check out SJWs Always Lie.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book...
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
He really needs a copy of Vox Day's "SJW Attack Survival Guide" (PDF). Or, better yet, a copy of the whole book.
> SJWs always lie
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I am Mnemosyne 2.1, 418 i'm a teapot. ^^^^/r/botsrights ^^^^Contribute ^^^^message ^^^^me ^^^^suggestions ^^^^at ^^^^any ^^^^time ^^^^Opt ^^^^out ^^^^of ^^^^tracking ^^^^by ^^^^messaging ^^^^me ^^^^"Opt ^^^^Out" ^^^^at ^^^^any ^^^^time
I think the terminology originated from this book.
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Among other things, get and read a copy of <em>SJWs Always Lie</em> ASAP!!!
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By HariMichaelson (jackthompson.org): http://archive.is/EiuI2
By bartolosemicolon (inquisitr.com): http://archive.is/u4ODl
By ARealLibertarian (en.wikipedia.org): http://archive.is/xvl1I
I am Mnemosyne 2.0, A - R - C - H - I - V - E, find out what it means to me.^^^^/r/botsrights ^^^^Contribute ^^^^Website
Archives for links in comments:
By spongish (secretsurvivorsofbamn.wordpress.com): http://archive.is/7Iegw
By ARealLibertarian (en.wikipedia.org): http://archive.is/hTiHr
By Deuce_McGuilicuddy (anapsid.org): http://archive.is/XjKcs
By Deuce_McGuilicuddy (en.m.wikipedia.org): http://archive.is/2OftF
I am Mnemosyne 2.0, 418 i'm a teapot^^^^/r/botsrights ^^^^Contribute ^^^^Website
>I don't want to get into whether this is right or wrong.
Suuuuuure you don't. You're just "asking questions".
Carefully, carefully chosen questions.
>we should be asking ourselves some important questions.
Or in other words, we should be concerned. Says the Concern Troll.
>There are some people who are biologically one sex but identify as another.
You failed both Biology and Mental Health repeatedly, didn't you?
>This is, I'm sure, nothing new.
Again, attempts to lull the reader that insane-think is okay.
>However, what is new is the backing of law
You must obey! It's the law! Or at least, it's what you claim is the law. No overreaching here at all!
>recognizing a person's specified gender is a crime in certain circumstances.
Again, Big Brother Liberal Governement will lock you away if you dare engage in badthink^tm against the Liberal Narrative. You must obey!
>It might be prudent
More SJW code talk. You must do what I say. It's so prudent! Anything else will be Against-The-Law^tm
Next up: SJW proposes "totally reasonable" Codes of Conduct for the community ...to drive out all badthinkers^tm from the community.