What great timing to find this sub!
I like the looks of this Skilhunt H03.
If OP wants it by father's day, Amazon is probably the only option. It's a great light, but what makes it truly special is zeroair's code on gearbest.
Sure could use an H03 NW while camping this year!
Skilhunt H03 would be awesome.
Yessss! I'd love a Skilhunt H03 ! :)
This skillhunt h03 would be great for my YMCA camp coming up!
I also choose the Skullhunt H03
Skilhunt H03-NL I’ve only ever had cheap headlamps and would love the upgrade! Thanks for doing this!
Wowzers! This sub has been growing quickly!
Skilhunt H03 - https://www.amazon.com/Skilhunt-H03/dp/B01LEOL3LU/
Entering with the Skillhunt NW
Thank you for everything!
If the $0.50 extra disqualifies that option (I will definitely pay any extra over the $44), then my second choice is...
Hopefully I win the Skillhunt H03 in neutral white. Thanks for doing this!
Skilhunt H03. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!
Hey hey, fancy! Never won a giveaway before. I do fancy myself an H03 though!
Thanks for doing what you do!
New here as well. Seems I have a lot to learn from you folks. This one looks like a good place to start with my re-education.
Thanks again! The Skilhunt H03 NW would greatly improve an upcoming camping trip.
This'll do. A magnetic light would be nice.
Thanks for the opportunity! Recently got my first “real” light because of this sub and looking to grab this next.
Edit: if it drops 50¢ by giveaway time, I'd prefer this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LEOL3LU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_yMtuCb6J8PDKW
Ty again