>what are some of the signs/obvious behaviours displayed by women lying about pregnancy?
What is she asking for, seeking to have done FOR her or GIVEN to her?
All lies have SOME "goal" or "purpose" behind them -- that purpose may or may not be obviously duplicitous (especially depending on how naive you are), and it may not be the one that they claim, but it is there nonetheless.
IOW if she's asking SOLELY for cash (to, for example, "pay for an abortion" or for some "doctor checkup" or really for ANYTHING other ostensibly "pregnancy related" purpose, even buying a "pregnancy test") and especially if she is also NOT at the same time asking for anything else (i.e. she DOESN'T want you to BUY the pregnancy test for her or with her; and she DOESN'T want you to accompany her to some doctors office or abortion clinic) -- well the fact that she's asking for MONEY, rather than help/comfort -- is a kind of "red flag" that she's not really pregnant (it's just a convenient excuse to dupe a gullible "boy" out of some cash).
Whether or NOT you think she's actually pregnant, you need a "crash course" in what the REAL process/events are around a "teenage girl getting pregnant" and especially from the BOY'S perspective.
To that end, I really HIGHLY recommend you beg/buy/borrow/steal and then READ from cover to cover, a copy of a novel (fictional, but very REAL in terms of an "education" on how this plays out) titled <strong>"Slam!"</strong> -- it's a fairly recent (2007) book by a really GOOD author, and he's crafted a very REALISTIC story (even really funny in parts, and you probably desperately NEED some laughs right about now) more importantly it is ALL told from the first person perspective of the 16 year old "father to be"; including the many doubts & worries, the probably pretty standard arguments & fights around the process of validating whether she actually IS pregnant (versus just "skipped a period") much less what is to be done about it -- as well as the guy's attempt to just "run away" from it all (literally); the parents' reactions -- and so on.
That said, it's NOT a "perfect" book -- per example while it touches on "doubts", it skirts around the issue of actual DNA testing to validate paternity (something that absolutely MUST be done -- unless the two of you are living as the ONLY humans on some deserted island -- well, I don't give a shit WHAT protests she makes about "You were the ONLY guy... ever!" -- whatever... before you sign up for 2+ decades of slavery/serfdom make her PROVE IT, the test is trivial compared to EVERYTHING else about pregnancy & child-raising -- and REFUSING to have it done is a MAJOR signal that you're NOT the father {and she KNOWS it}).