I've tried several, imo be sure to get one that is mostly memory foam. Most are harder than your bed and cause me back and shoulder problems if I roll on my side. 7 inch height has been the best for me.
I just got this one and really like it.
Sleepnitez 8" Bed Wedge Pillow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JLKLFLW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_E3S2D91TWKWXQYXCQ77T
Hey, I'm on day 6 too. I'd recommend setting an alarm every 3 hrs. Whenever I wake up though, that's when swallowing is the most painful. Then when I force myself to drink, the pain even gets worse. But I think it's something we have to do to keep hydrated and heal smoothly.
I think 2 things have been a godsend so far, and they wouldn't be what anyone would expect. The first one is the elevated wedge pillow that I got on Amazon. If I don't sleep elevated like this, instant pain. Elevated wedge pillow: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JLKLFLW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1MJMTVE25E7TFYR8P94N
The other is my warm blanket that I get under every time I'm in pain. When my head goes from the cool air to the warmth under my blanket, u can feel the pain in my ears and throat fade away in about 5-10 min, every time. If don't pull the blanket over my head, I always stay in pain. If I stay on my phone underneath my blanket, it keeps it even more warm under there lol. The warmer the better, until the pain subsides.
i have one but i always slide off also am not sure if its big enough to keep me from fully laying down https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JLKLFLW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 this one😊
i added some pillows on the side and top but still get so much burning and pain the minute i lay on my wedge pillow im hoping its just abig flare up and nothing more serious i never had burning this painful🥺
uhm which golden milk and oatmilk do you recommend? and do i mix both and heat them up? also do i drink it an hour before bed?😯
Hey buddy, I hear yah, it's not easy and it hurts.
Your pain and the way you're feeling are valid. The constant exhaustion and stress your brain and body are experiencing is awful. Drag that over a few years where you lose more and more of your life and yourself it can lead you to the dark place where you are now. Having doctors not be helpful doesn't make it better. This all said, you're going to be ok. You can get better. It takes time and effort, but you're going to heal one day soon.
This next piece of advice may not be for you but this is what I desperately needed that no doctor ever mentioned but this beautiful subreddit did - look into the Ease Oral Appliance. It's essentially a pallet expander. This may or may not be something you also need. What can happen is your teeth are set too close for your tongue so your tongue can't properly rest at the top of your mouth so it falls back when you're resting. When you lay down your tongue covers your esophagus so you can't breath and leads to the serious apnea moments. It's not cheap and takes 8-16 months depending on how much space you need to create but money is irrelevant when it comes to living in pain like a zombie. I've been using it for 3 or 4 months now and it's made a small difference so far.
I'm no where near normal yet, but with all of these things I can see a massive difference from where I was 3+ years ago. I was in your shoes so I can understand all your feelings and despair. My apnea kicked in near the same time as my motorcycle accident so my entire life fell apart. That said, we have people depending on us and we can't take care of them if we don't take care of ourselves so don't give up. Feel free to reach out for anything and I'll try my best to support you with what I can. You can do this.
How much of the pillow market is just pregnant women trying to sleep comfortably?
TEMPUR-Adapt® Pro + Cooling Pillow (in white cover)
Sleep Number No Shift Body Pillow
Miracle Bamboo Pillow (in blue cover)
Sleepnitez 8" Bed Wedge Pillow
Links aren't necessarily where I bought these. The Tempurpedics came with our bed purchase, and I've had the body pillow since my first pregnancy. Pretty sure I got the Miracle Bamboo ones years ago from TJ Maxx or similar. But I recommend them all, especially the Boppy and the wedge.
Try this wedge pillow . It helps so much with my husband's snoring. I ended up getting one too to help with heartburn in the 3rd trimester.
I bought this one. So far, so good. I'm sleeping much better.