I looked up PRID. Is it this one https://www.amazon.com/Smiles-Drawing-Hylands-Topical-Irritations/dp/B0089UN898?
Sorry to tell you, but it's essentially a moisturizer. It's homeopathic, meaning the "active" ingredients are diluted. The 3x means it is "potentiated" three times, meaning it is diluted three times. There is essentially nothing in it that is doing anything.
While you're waiting to see the derm, you could try applying Prid drawing salve and covering it to see if it will resolve. The Prid will either shrink it away or bring it to the surface and it might take a week or so. I've treated several sebaceous cysts this way.
It’s all natural and homeopathic, so I’d say it’s quite safe. Not sure if you can find it at your local pharmacy, but Amazon carries it:
Smile's PRID Drawing Salve by Hyland's, Relief of Topical Pain and Skin Irritations, 18 grams https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0089UN898/
Here are some things I've done that have been helpful at one point in time or are currently helpful:
I'm sure there are more because I've been living with this for so long but that's just what came to mind. I'm sorry you are going through this, my friend. I know how much it fucking sucks. 🖤
This salve is my weapon against stubborn blemishes. It's brown and sticky so I load it on at night, cover it with a bandaid, and sleep with a black t-shirt over my pillow like a pillowcase so I don't make a mess. It seems to help reduce scarring which is a big problem for me.
It's a drawing salve, so just rub some on the boil and put a bandage over it and leave it overnight. It will cause it to come to a head and leak puss. I've had mixed experiences with it, for big lesions under the skin it brings it to a head and helps alleviate pain quickly. But most of my boils are large collections of smaller spots that aren't as inflamed, so drawing salve doesn't do much for them. Here's a link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0089UN898/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jTypFb0DGZ69H
There’s a lot of praise for Prid out there for acne like this. It’s been around forever, it’s natural and it’s pulling, so it’s great for acne. Look it up on Amazon.👇🏼It wasn’t originally for acne, but it’s gotten a lot of recognition for it lately. PRID
As others have mentioned above, it may benefit you to see a dermatologist if you are able.
But in the meantime... my partner’s mother frequently experiences painful boils in the same areas which you have mentioned. She is diabetic and struggling to get her sugar under control which is the cause of her boils. I sometimes experience boils in the armpits and inner thigh area as well.
Anywho.. I did quite a bit of research a few months back and found a product named Smile’s Prid. It’s a drawing salve that can be found at your local drugstore but I ordered mine from Amazon
After testing it on myself and having my partner‘s mother test it as well, I feel comfortable recommending that you give it a try! There have been a couple of boils which she previously had that were very large.. this product did not work on those previously existing monster boils. We ended up getting her to the doctor for a round of antibiotics. Once she was able to get rid of the monsters, she has been using the salve when she begins to feel a boil pop up. It works very well to stop them in their tracks!
I also want to note that this is NOT a black salve. Black salves are incredibly dangerous and should not be used. This is a drawing salve, and though the color is black, it shares no ingredients to that of a black salve. Please make sure you use the link that I posted or another reputable retailer to purchase this if you plan to!
Lastly, just as a bonus... this stuff works wonders on acne. I have terrible hormonal acne and when I feel a deep bump forming, I put this on and it’s gone overnight!
I order a stinky yucky drawing salve on amazon that takes care of them within a few days! It’s worth the try and under $6!
Smile's PRID Drawing Salve by Hyland's, Relief of Topical Pain and Skin Irritations
When I have a bad zit, I put some of this on my face, cover it with a bandaid (so it doesn't get everywhere) and sleep on it. It usually only takes one night to bring it to a head, maybe 2. After it pops, I use tea tree oil every day to reduce scarring and help it heal.
It's not a walmart kind of product. I usually get it at CVS or Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0089UN898/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_Hn4QEbVRPHH10).
Hope that helps.
heres a few links to my posts w/pics of my skin for reference. i picked rly deep trying to get the ingrown hairs out, which caused dead skin 2 heal over the hairs. I've been doing a thorough moisturizing routine morning and night.
these were all helpful YouTube videos
highly recommended products up there ... i hope u have the time to look thru the links, i hope it helps!
heres a few links to my posts w/pics of my skin if ur interested - im gonna leave a shit load of links below too:
Helpful YouTube videos:
Amazon links for products: (these are also the cheapest options)
Hi there. So the large one on your chin looks like a cyst that could take a long time to go away on it’s own. I experienced my first one like that last year. Something that might help out with that one in the meantime is the product I will link below. You apply a thick layer to the cyst. I apply it with a q-tip and then cover with a bandaid and leave on over night. This should help it drain. Once you can tell it’s started to drain apply a hydrocolloid bandage to draw out the contents of the cyst. But you can’t reapply the salve once it’s draining since the skin will have an opening. Hope this helps.
Drawing salve! They sell it any place like Walmart or CVS. It can sometimes also be labeled as icthammol ointment. Just a warning it smells terrible but it works. Unfortunately I don’t have any ideas on how to prevent them in between fingers.