Wouldn't trust an ebay winch. For a very similar price point you can get this smittybilt which is pretty well regarded for budget winches.
9500lb winch for $299 Smittybilt 97495 XRC Winch - 9500 lb. Load Capacity https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JXS3BXI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rFk6zb5KA3HR2
This would be such a pita in Florida where the wheels are under mud and I'm sure it would sheer the lugs if you were really stuck. Do yourself a favor and buy two 9500lb winches instead.
This is the model: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JXS3BXI
I love it. It was easy to install and it's easy to operate. I haven't had to use it in the few weeks since I've had it... I'll let you know if I have a failure.
Winch 9500lbs $299 waterproof bad ass never had an issue all my 4x4 buddies use them.
Smittybilt 97495 XRC Winch - 9500 lb. Load Capacity https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JXS3BXI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XC97ybC2JS6D0
is this one alright, http://www.amazon.com/Smittybilt-97495-XRC-Winch-Capacity/dp/B00JXS3BXI
I'm no expert, but I have this one https://www.amazon.com/Smittybilt-97495-XRC-Winch-Capacity/dp/B00JXS3BXI.
I love it. Hook up was a breeze and I've used it once and it worked like a dream. I bought mine from Amazon and had no problem. You could always opt for the synthetic line on the Smittybilt one too.