Of course it's a fucking scam. They literally stole a picture of the Smittybuilt Overlanding tent from Amazon, 'shopped out the logo, and stuck it on their site.
Bro, nobody is going to sell a product that undercuts their competitors by almost 95%. Legit businesses don't work like that.
Smittybilt overlander. Here's the link: Smittybilt Overlander Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KCFKPX0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_i0PCFb1652B57.
It's got a very comfortable 3inch mattress and a lot of window. I was completely sprawled out with my girlfriend and there was plenty of space. Could easily fit 3.
I believe this is the exact one I bought here, I bought through an actual store though, not Amazon. It is a Smittybilt
Super biased, but with a RTT you not only stay off the ground, but you are not dependent on the type of ground, and this is huge. It can be a completely uneven boulder field, and shitty in every way for a regular tent, but as long as you can level your vehicle and find a good spot for the ladder to touch down, you are good to go. They are also very quick to set up and break down when you consider that all of my padding and bedding and sleeping bags, pillows, even lighting, are already in the RTT. This saves space in my car, but best of all, is how easy it makes the set up. All I have to do is drive up, park level, take off the cover, un-velcro all the straps, unfold it, open whatever windows I want, and boom. No stakes to drive into the ground, no tarp to put down, or sleeping pad to inflate; no ants, insects or rats or mice to worry about. It also acts as a bit of an awning, creating shade for me to sit underneath, or cook underneath, etc. Its a place to hang wet clothes, or lights when it gets darker.
The biggest con for me is wind noise. It can get really loud and hard to sleep when the wind gets heavy. The second biggest is that the tent itself is heavy and cumbersome to take on and off of the Jeep (so I jsut don't do it). Third, it is indeed quite the investment, although the smitybilt one i have is great and I got it for only $680 out the door during a sale. (Which turns out is a deal, they are about $1000 right now, maybe due to COVID?)
If you can afford it, get the RTT.
Smittybilt Overlander Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KCFKPX0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Just set it up and I love it, just gotta get it out for some real world testing now.
It's called Smittybilt Overlander Tent, we got it second hand from someone. It does not come with the roof rack, I bought the rack on Amazon. Its recommended that you dont have it on the stock roof rack that's built on the jeep. Tent and Roof Rack we did have to trim the roof rack down for the tent.
You can get one new for a lot less: https://www.amazon.com/Smittybilt-2783-Overlander-Tent/dp/B00KCFKPX0
No idea how quality those are, but the appear to be well reviewed. Yakima makes an affordable model as well.