If you get some smooth on mold maker for resin, and cover up the broken part with sculpey. You can make a replacement pretty easily.
Smooth-On OOMOO 25 - FAST Curing Mold Making Silicone Kit - 2 Pints - EASY! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C4YQ4TU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_r-zMFb2J6M7VE
Smooth Cast 65D Liquid Plastic Casting Resin - Trial Unit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3ZJ9XW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8-zMFbQY1X8FB
1.Use or make a container big enough to fit the weapon. You can buy plastic containers at hobby stores, you can use a bowl or cup. I prefer to make containers out of reusable legos (use cheap off brand legos on Amazon. Lego brand names are much much more expensive) some links below.
Use a malleable material to press the gun into. You can use clay or something similar. Fill the container (lego box) about half of the height of the container. Press the gun into the clay. Make sure the gun is half in the clay and half out. If you press gently you can eyeball half the length of the gun. I first used clay, but I actually started using Oyumaru. It can be heated to make it malleable, and it hardens when cooled. It can be reused indefinitely by just reheating. (there’s a ton of uses for this stuff).
Mix the silicone liquid per the instructions on the label. See comments for material list.
Next pour the liquid silicon into the container over the gun. Try to pour from a corner and let it fill up slowly. If you pour slowly there are less bubbles / pockets of air that can form and deform the hardened silicone mold (when it cures).
Let silicone mold cure.
Slowly remove the 1st part of the silicone mold. (this part is now the bottom part.)
Remove the gun from the clay/ Oyumaru. Put the 1st silicone part of the mold back into the lego container. Put the gun back into the 1st part of the silicone mold.
Important!!! Use a mold release on the 1st part of the silicone mold. You can use a spray can mold release. I just use a very light dusting/coat of baby powder with a soft paint brush. This will create a barrier between the liquid silicone and the cured silicone. If you don't do this the two parts will merge (melt?) together when the 2nd part cures.
Mix the 2nd batch of the liquid silicone per instructions on the label, and pour it slowly again into the container as in step 5. Let it cure , per label instructions.
Demold. Take the mold apart and remove the original weapon. You now have the completed two part mold.
12.cut channels into the mold (i use an xacto knife) these are the channels you will pour the resin into. It’s important to let the air bubbles float out of the resin & mold. So cut a channel anywhere air might get trapped in the mold. Ive seen people use sticks or putty to push into the clay to pre make the channels, but ive had better success just cutting them later after the 2 part mold is complete.
13.put the 2 part mold back together and bind it tight enough to avoid leakage, but not too tight that the mold is warped. I use rubber bands. Others use tape.
Now mix the resin per the instructions on the label. Once mixed, pour the resin into the channels. Set aside and let the resin cure. (note: i use foil under the molds and the containers previously. This can be a messy process. Have lots of paper towels on hand.)
After resin cures, demold, and you are done! I like to dye with Ritdye, and paint with acrylic paints.
16.you can get really involved into this process, and there is even a way to vacuum suck out air bubbles from the mold. Im not at that level yet and it is more than I need for my little hobby projects.
Silicone liquid mold (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.)
Resin (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BNC9R4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Off brand legos
Additional materials:
Measuring cups (these are invaluable)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FVPJ9WS/ref=sw\_img\_1?smid=&psc=1
Foil or something to protect your work station.
Something to stir resin and silicone mix https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Piece-Natural-Finish-Sticks/dp/B001VDKHN0/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=WAVO1U030Z4Z&keywords=tongue+depressor+sticks&qid=1642217336&s=home-garden&sprefix=tongue%2Cgarden%2C107&sr=1-7
Cups to pour resin and silicone into. (once the resin/ silicone dries, you can scoop out the resin and reuse) https://www.amazon.com/Plasticpro-Clear-Plastic-Disposable-Drinking/dp/B07RYQKWGB/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=3Q29Y0E43F2KL&keywords=plastic+cups&qid=1642217282&s=home-garden&sprefix=plastic+cups%2Cgarden%2C116&sr=1-6
*All of these items can also be found in hobby stores, some grocery stores, Walmart etc. Shop around and you can find cheaper materials.
** there are lots of youtube tutorials that explain these different processes much better than I ever could. A quick search will bring up plenty of videos.
1.Use or make a container big enough to fit the weapon. You can buy plastic containers at hobby stores, you can use a bowl or cup. I prefer to make containers out of reusable legos (use cheap off brand legos on Amazon. Lego brand names are much much more expensive) some links below.
Use a malleable material to press the gun into. You can use clay or something similar. Fill the container (lego box) about half of the height of the container. Press the gun into the clay. Make sure the gun is half in the clay and half out. If you press gently you can eyeball half the length of the gun. I first used clay, but I actually started using Oyumaru. It can be heated to make it malleable, and it hardens when cooled. It can be reused indefinitely by just reheating. (there’s a ton of uses for this stuff).
Mix the silicone liquid per the instructions on the label. See comments for material list.
Next pour the liquid silicon into the container over the gun. Try to pour from a corner and let it fill up slowly. If you pour slowly there are less bubbles / pockets of air that can form and deform the hardened silicone mold (when it cures).
Let silicone mold cure.
Slowly remove the 1st part of the silicone mold. (this part is now the bottom part.)
Remove the gun from the clay/ Oyumaru. Put the 1st silicone part of the mold back into the lego container. Put the gun back into the 1st part of the silicone mold.
Important!!! Use a mold release on the 1st part of the silicone mold. You can use a spray can mold release. I just use a very light dusting/coat of baby powder with a soft paint brush. This will create a barrier between the liquid silicone and the cured silicone. If you don't do this the two parts will merge (melt?) together when the 2nd part cures.
Mix the 2nd batch of the liquid silicone per instructions on the label, and pour it slowly again into the container as in step 5. Let it cure , per label instructions.
Demold. Take the mold apart and remove the original weapon. You now have the completed two part mold.
12.cut channels into the mold (i use an xacto knife) these are the channels you will pour the resin into. It’s important to let the air bubbles float out of the resin & mold. So cut a channel anywhere air might get trapped in the mold. Ive seen people use sticks or putty to push into the clay to pre make the channels, but ive had better success just cutting them later after the 2 part mold is complete.
13.put the 2 part mold back together and bind it tight enough to avoid leakage, but not too tight that the mold is warped. I use rubber bands. Others use tape.
Now mix the resin per the instructions on the label. Once mixed, pour the resin into the channels. Set aside and let the resin cure. (note: i use foil under the molds and the containers previously. This can be a messy process. Have lots of paper towels on hand.)
After resin cures, demold, and you are done! I like to dye with Ritdye, and paint with acrylic paints.
16.you can get really involved into this process, and there is even a way to vacuum suck out air bubbles from the mold. Im not at that level yet and it is more than I need for my little hobby projects.
Silicone liquid mold (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.)
Resin (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BNC9R4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Off brand legos
Additional materials:
Measuring cups (these are invaluable)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FVPJ9WS/ref=sw\_img\_1?smid=&psc=1
Foil or something to protect your work station.
Something to stir resin and silicone mix https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Piece-Natural-Finish-Sticks/dp/B001VDKHN0/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=WAVO1U030Z4Z&keywords=tongue+depressor+sticks&qid=1642217336&s=home-garden&sprefix=tongue%2Cgarden%2C107&sr=1-7
Cups to pour resin and silicone into. (once the resin/ silicone dries, you can scoop out the resin and reuse) https://www.amazon.com/Plasticpro-Clear-Plastic-Disposable-Drinking/dp/B07RYQKWGB/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=3Q29Y0E43F2KL&keywords=plastic+cups&qid=1642217282&s=home-garden&sprefix=plastic+cups%2Cgarden%2C116&sr=1-6
*All of these items can also be found in hobby stores, some grocery stores, Walmart etc. Shop around and you can find cheaper materials.
** there are lots of youtube tutorials that explain these different processes much better than I ever could. A quick search will bring up plenty of videos.
1.Use or make a container big enough to fit the weapon. You can buy plastic containers at hobby stores, you can use a bowl or cup. I prefer to make containers out of reusable legos (use cheap off brand legos on Amazon. Lego brand names are much much more expensive) some links below.
Use a malleable material to press the gun into. You can use clay or something similar. Fill the container (lego box) about half of the height of the container. Press the gun into the clay. Make sure the gun is half in the clay and half out. If you press gently you can eyeball half the length of the gun. I first used clay, but I actually started using Oyumaru. It can be heated to make it malleable, and it hardens when cooled. It can be reused indefinitely by just reheating. (there’s a ton of uses for this stuff).
Mix the silicone liquid per the instructions on the label. See comments for material list.
Next pour the liquid silicon into the container over the gun. Try to pour from a corner and let it fill up slowly. If you pour slowly there are less bubbles / pockets of air that can form and deform the hardened silicone mold (when it cures).
Let silicone mold cure.
Slowly remove the 1st part of the silicone mold. (this part is now the bottom part.)
Remove the gun from the clay/ Oyumaru. Put the 1st silicone part of the mold back into the lego container. Put the gun back into the 1st part of the silicone mold.
Important!!! Use a mold release on the 1st part of the silicone mold. You can use a spray can mold release. I just use a very light dusting/coat of baby powder with a soft paint brush. This will create a barrier between the liquid silicone and the cured silicone. If you don't do this the two parts will merge (melt?) together when the 2nd part cures.
Mix the 2nd batch of the liquid silicone per instructions on the label, and pour it slowly again into the container as in step 5. Let it cure , per label instructions.
Demold. Take the mold apart and remove the original weapon. You now have the completed two part mold.
12.cut channels into the mold (i use an xacto knife) these are the channels you will pour the resin into. It’s important to let the air bubbles float out of the resin & mold. So cut a channel anywhere air might get trapped in the mold. Ive seen people use sticks or putty to push into the clay to pre make the channels, but ive had better success just cutting them later after the 2 part mold is complete.
13.put the 2 part mold back together and bind it tight enough to avoid leakage, but not too tight that the mold is warped. I use rubber bands. Others use tape.
Now mix the resin per the instructions on the label. Once mixed, pour the resin into the channels. Set aside and let the resin cure. (note: i use foil under the molds and the containers previously. This can be a messy process. Have lots of paper towels on hand.)
After resin cures, demold, and you are done! I like to dye with Ritdye, and paint with acrylic paints.
16.you can get really involved into this process, and there is even a way to vacuum suck out air bubbles from the mold. Im not at that level yet and it is more than I need for my little hobby projects.
Silicone liquid mold (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.)
Resin (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BNC9R4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Off brand legos
Additional materials:
Measuring cups (these are invaluable)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FVPJ9WS/ref=sw\_img\_1?smid=&psc=1
Foil or something to protect your work station.
Something to stir resin and silicone mix https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Piece-Natural-Finish-Sticks/dp/B001VDKHN0/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=WAVO1U030Z4Z&keywords=tongue+depressor+sticks&qid=1642217336&s=home-garden&sprefix=tongue%2Cgarden%2C107&sr=1-7
Cups to pour resin and silicone into. (once the resin/ silicone dries, you can scoop out the resin and reuse) https://www.amazon.com/Plasticpro-Clear-Plastic-Disposable-Drinking/dp/B07RYQKWGB/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=3Q29Y0E43F2KL&keywords=plastic+cups&qid=1642217282&s=home-garden&sprefix=plastic+cups%2Cgarden%2C116&sr=1-6
*All of these items can also be found in hobby stores, some grocery stores, Walmart etc. Shop around and you can find cheaper materials.
** there are lots of youtube tutorials that explain these different processes much better than I ever could. A quick search will bring up plenty of videos.
1.Use or make a container big enough to fit the weapon. You can buy plastic containers at hobby stores, you can use a bowl or cup. I prefer to make containers out of reusable legos (use cheap off brand legos on Amazon. Lego brand names are much much more expensive) some links below.
Use a malleable material to press the gun into. You can use clay or something similar. Fill the container (lego box) about half of the height of the container. Press the gun into the clay. Make sure the gun is half in the clay and half out. If you press gently you can eyeball half the length of the gun. I first used clay, but I actually started using Oyumaru. It can be heated to make it malleable, and it hardens when cooled. It can be reused indefinitely by just reheating. (there’s a ton of uses for this stuff).
Mix the silicone liquid per the instructions on the label. See comments for material list.
Next pour the liquid silicon into the container over the gun. Try to pour from a corner and let it fill up slowly. If you pour slowly there are less bubbles / pockets of air that can form and deform the hardened silicone mold (when it cures).
Let silicone mold cure.
Slowly remove the 1st part of the silicone mold. (this part is now the bottom part.)
Remove the gun from the clay/ Oyumaru. Put the 1st silicone part of the mold back into the lego container. Put the gun back into the 1st part of the silicone mold.
Important!!! Use a mold release on the 1st part of the silicone mold. You can use a spray can mold release. I just use a very light dusting/coat of baby powder with a soft paint brush. This will create a barrier between the liquid silicone and the cured silicone. If you don't do this the two parts will merge (melt?) together when the 2nd part cures.
Mix the 2nd batch of the liquid silicone per instructions on the label, and pour it slowly again into the container as in step 5. Let it cure , per label instructions.
Demold. Take the mold apart and remove the original weapon. You now have the completed two part mold.
12.cut channels into the mold (i use an xacto knife) these are the channels you will pour the resin into. It’s important to let the air bubbles float out of the resin & mold. So cut a channel anywhere air might get trapped in the mold. Ive seen people use sticks or putty to push into the clay to pre make the channels, but ive had better success just cutting them later after the 2 part mold is complete.
13.put the 2 part mold back together and bind it tight enough to avoid leakage, but not too tight that the mold is warped. I use rubber bands. Others use tape.
Now mix the resin per the instructions on the label. Once mixed, pour the resin into the channels. Set aside and let the resin cure. (note: i use foil under the molds and the containers previously. This can be a messy process. Have lots of paper towels on hand.)
After resin cures, demold, and you are done! I like to dye with Ritdye, and paint with acrylic paints.
16.you can get really involved into this process, and there is even a way to vacuum suck out air bubbles from the mold. Im not at that level yet and it is more than I need for my little hobby projects.
Silicone liquid mold (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.)
Resin (lots of different brands, cure times, work times.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BNC9R4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Off brand legos
Additional materials:
Measuring cups (these are invaluable)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FVPJ9WS/ref=sw\_img\_1?smid=&psc=1
Foil or something to protect your work station.
Something to stir resin and silicone mix https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Piece-Natural-Finish-Sticks/dp/B001VDKHN0/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=WAVO1U030Z4Z&keywords=tongue+depressor+sticks&qid=1642217336&s=home-garden&sprefix=tongue%2Cgarden%2C107&sr=1-7
Cups to pour resin and silicone into. (once the resin/ silicone dries, you can scoop out the resin and reuse) https://www.amazon.com/Plasticpro-Clear-Plastic-Disposable-Drinking/dp/B07RYQKWGB/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=3Q29Y0E43F2KL&keywords=plastic+cups&qid=1642217282&s=home-garden&sprefix=plastic+cups%2Cgarden%2C116&sr=1-6
*All of these items can also be found in hobby stores, some grocery stores, Walmart etc. Shop around and you can find cheaper materials.
** there are lots of youtube tutorials that explain these different processes much better than I ever could. A quick search will bring up plenty of videos.
here’s the link, can u inspect it? Smooth-On OOMOO 25 - FAST Curing... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C4YQ4TU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share