Snappy brand Butter Burst. You can buy by the gallon on Amazon. Heat up in the microwave for 30 seconds and put it on top of your recipe (basically the same I use) and you have yourself as close to movie theatre popcorn as you can get.
Edit: Added Amazon link
Yeah I do 1 cup of oil to almost a full cup of kernels. ( you can do a full cup but you’ll lose some during popping. ) And don’t forget the popcorn salt I’ve never actually measured that but I’d say it’s a spoon full. I just have the Walmart kind of popcorn salt but they say to use flavacol and I will definitely be getting that when I run out. My popcorn tastes awesome as is but I really do feel that will step it up a notch. As for oil this is what I bought Snappy Butter Burst Popcorn Oil,... Also Walmart had this nacho cheddar seasoning that is pretty amazing also that goes on after. I normally make like four gallon bags at a time and they will last at least a week. I have tried putting different seasonings like ‘slap ya mama’ and a local ‘garlic butter’ instead of the popcorn salt but it’s not really too noticeable.
Long story short 1 cup of oil to 1 cup of kernels and maybe a tablespoon of salt. it’s pretty salty stuff and you can always add more after cook
PSA: You can buy a gallon of movie theatre popcorn butter for just $18.17 and it's not even on sale
i did the math and it has 30,720 calories
I have been hunting for one for a while, I came across this stuff a couple weeks ago. If it's not exactly the one they use, I think it tastes pretty similar. I use it for popping oil as well as topping oil. Give it a shot!
Idk what country you're in, but yeah I was talking about the US. I'm not sure what they pop with, but they all use shit like this ( for topping and Flavacol butter flavored salt. It has a ton of calories, but damn it's delicious. I've tried using actual butter and it just doesn't taste buttery enough. I think I'll go make some now.
I'll blow your mind. The popcorn flavor/smell from the movies or amusement parks can actually be done from home. No microwaved popcorn will ever get that same taste. You need to buy this stuff called Flavacol, it's a highly condensed salt with that distinct "movie theater popcorn" flavor and coloring added to it. Heat up a large pot, put in some coconut oil (preferably the kind specifically made for popcorn) and add the kernels and some flavacol. There are a ton of youtube videos on how to do it. ~ $13 for a gallon of coconut oil, ~$3 for a carton of flavacol (only buy one, they last forever) and then ~$5 for kernels and you will have great popcorn for a year. Bonus tip, you can buy specific popcorn kernels that are used for carmel and kettle corn that you buy at state fairs that are round, it's called Mushroom popcorn, vs the standard butterfly style popcorn you get from microwaved popcorn. Although, mushroom popcorn doesn't work as great for butter popcorn imo, the little shells pieces that stick around once popped can be tougher, to each their own though. The prices I mentioned are what I paid at Smart & Final, it's kind of like a Costco but you don't need a membership, they are only in and around California though.
Amazon links:
You could, but if it means that much to you, learn to make popcorn at home for a fraction of the price
It could be bulk movie popcorn fake butter oil, which is orange, and is more like to be used by a cafeteria. Link to an example:
this is the butter oil similar to what movie theaters use.
combine with a heated oily surface popper like this one
and cover with salt of choice. better than bag popped and you can choose how much you want
You don’t gotta dump it. It takes a very small amount to get the taste you want. Binging with Babish has a recipe for movie theater popcorn that is perfect. Then I use some popcorn oil like this one instead of regular butter and get the perfect popcorn at home. My kids beg for it all the time.
I recently perfected my setup for movie theater popcorn. It's a pretty big initial investment for popcorn but it's so worth it. Seriously, everyone who has tried it has agreed it is indistinguishable from movie theater popcorn.
First you've got to get a stovetop popcorn popper like a whirleypop.
Then you have to use coconut oil specifically flavored and colored for popcorn. You can get smaller containers on amazon but the real stuff only comes in gallon jugs If it's not unnaturally orange and not solid at room temperature, you don't want it. This is the only way to get those bright yellow kernels.
After you add your oil to the popper, you need to add Flavacol a flavored salt that gives movie theater popcorn its signature taste.
And speaking of popcorn, you need to use a specially bred "hi-popping" corn. The Orville Redenbacher or Jolly Time you get at Safeway won't cut it. AMC theaters use Pop Weaver but there are also some great (but much more expensive) specialty brands out there.
And finally the "butter." I assume most everyone knows the butter at theaters isn't actually butter unless you're at the Alamo or West End Cinema. Again, to get the real stuff you're going to have to buy in bulk. Snappy butter burst or Gold Medal Tastee Pop are what the big chains use. If you like real butter, just follow any recipe for clarified butter or else it will just make your corn soggy.
Use more cal-mag and some of This it's my favorite.