I didn't either until this winter! I'm glad I could spread the news. I figured that although OP probably knows about hoodies and extra blankets and heating pads, she genuinely might not know about these and they might improve her life even if they're not a cure-all. These are the ones I have, but I will warn you: the black and gray are very tight in the calf, and I'm someone who doesn't buy a lot of knee high boots because the calf circumference is usually too wide for me and looks silly. I know things on Amazon sometimes come in Asian sizing, but I'm short and underweight and these are snug. The reviews are conflicting about this issue, though, so it might be just that colorway. I haven't bought others to try yet.
I’ve worn wool hiking socks in my skates when skating on the farm ODR anything wool will keep you warm but packing fabric into a skate will stop it from doing its job since it’s the air that the fabric traps that keeps u warm. I also wear electric heated socks on my motorcycle for winter riding but those use the 12v power from the bike to operate