I ordered this off of Amazon and it works really well, it's also a lot finer than most and mixes easy. https://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Grade-Caustic-Pound/dp/B07KNR9SVF/ref=sxts_rp_s_a_sp_1_0?content-id=amzn1.sym.e1d0fd65-dbff-454d-9e35-926f4c285911%3Aamzn1.sym.e1d0fd65-dbff-454d-9e35-926f4c285911&crid=2IVXDB1DBI1F5&cv_ct_cx=lye+foo...
> FDA approved lye is different from caustic lye
Food grade lye is exactly caustic lye, just a very pure form of it (no adulterants). And it's not diluted at all, it just crystals of sodium hydroxide. Example.
Food grade lye is used by dissolving appropriate quantities in water. It is used for instance to promote browning in bagels. It's not (primarily) intended to react with carbon dioxide, since that would reduce the rise (bubbles) of baked goods.
It's not toxic, but it is, as you say, caustic in solid or concentrated liquid form.
How long have they been soaping and do you know what kind of soaping they do?
I soap mostly cold process which means I mix all the stuff, put it in a mold then take it out to cure. So these things may not be applicable to melt and pour. What I would love to receive is:
The basics::
A big ol slab mold (and box to support the sides/bottom if needed)
A gift card to wholesale supplies plus (fragrances can get exspensive and different folks like different scents).
A nice stick blender
A mica assortment
A milk throther (to mix the colorants)
Materials they will likely use if doing hot or cold process are oils! Coconut oil, palm oil (wholesale supplies is ethically sourced and comes in a nice bucket) olive oil and castor oil are the main ones. I've used pumpkin seed, avocado, grapeseed, lard, walnut.. they will also use lye (https://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Grade-Caustic-Pound/dp/B07KNR9SVF/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1ICCFOB04JI6L&keywords=lye&qid=1638990005&sprefix=lye%2Caps%2C348&sr=8-3) is the brand I use with good result.
The frills:: Sodium lactate
Clay (morracan red clay, Dead Sea mud, kaolin clay)
Crushed pumice
Titanium dioxide
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions :)
Yeah there is such a thing as food grade lye. Here's a link to it: https://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Grade-Caustic-Pound/dp/B07KNR9SVF
You really shouldn't try preaching what you don't know.
You use food grade lye for things like cosmetics, soap making, making dmt etc.
Don't use non food grade lye for making dmt.
I agree, for 1-2 pieces depending on their size, oven cleaner, after that lye bath. Best deal I found was this but they won't ship to the Aloha State... cause... It's CAUSTIC, https://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Grade-Caustic-Pound/dp/B07KNR9SVF/ref=sr_1_4_mod_primary_new?crid=C0I3IWFCB05O&keywords=sodium+hydroxide+lye+food+grade&qid=1667332579&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=Sodium+Hydroxide+lye%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-4
And yeah folks pure lye drain cleaner works too, just clean with soapy water & rinse.
Water is food grade but if too much gets in your lungs, you drown.
This sodium hydroxide (Lye) powder is food grade, but if it's too strong it also burns away your skin.
This phosphoric acid is food grade but if it is mishandled you can get severe burns.
Alcohol is food grade. It's also incredibly toxic.
Diatomacious earth in the right context, such as externally where at most it might cause some skin dryness, however breathing it will do the same to your lungs as it does the bugs. Best case is a lot of coughing and some mild throat and lung irritation. A cat isn't smart enough to know not to sniff the white powder.
Food grade isn't a free for all on safety.
like this work as good food grade lye ? thx
I used MHRB I put the dish back in the freezer a while ago and took it out now I see nothing but early it was surrounding the crystals you could probably see a outline in the pic I used Belle food grade sodium hydroxide white distilled vinegar tap water and Klein strip naphtha I got it all off of Amazon except the vinegar I've been having it https://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Grade-Caustic-Pound/dp/B07KNR9SVFhttps://www.amazon.com/2-Pack-VM-NAPTHA-QT-KLEAN-STRIP/dp/B01LWRQPWK/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_mod_primary_new?crid=36MO5LV1ND04D&dchild=1&keywords=klean+strip+naphtha&qid=1... I also followed a video by this dude called Chris cantelmo on how to make it idk msds sds
Sodium Hydroxide - Pure - Food Grade (Caustic Soda, Lye) (2 Pound Jar) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KNR9SVF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T67T4GRHG5R00X9DXBGD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Is this good for NaOH? Sodium Hydroxide - Pure - Food Grade
No.... you need the base material. Lye is used to make soap but you can’t get lye from soap. You also need chemical goggles and caustic resistant gloves, lye is serious business (this is why I recommended just buying a cheap cowash)
Here’s the site I found with the recipe:
The link for lye sends you to amazon. I would buy this:
Sodium Hydroxide - Pure - Food Grade (Caustic Soda, Lye) (2 Pound Jar) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KNR9SVF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5XXLEbNAMZ5E2
If you do this please be really careful! The scene from fight club where Ed Norton ends up with a chemical burn on his hand, that was lye.
I used this lye from Amazon to make my pretzels.