Recommendations will depend on your budget. The little unidens that have already been recommended are good. For an antenna, this here is sort of the king of base station cb antennas. We're talking 50 miles instead of 5.
Solarcon A-99 CB Base Station Antenna
Just check Amazon for base station cb antennas, to find one in budget and if you're not wanting it on your car. They'll be easier to mess with than adapting a mobile, IMO.
First rule of CB, ANTENNAS!! You can have a 1000$ radio hooked to a bad antenna and never hear anyone, and kill your fancy radio. Hook a 30$ uniden to a good, properly set up antenna and you'll hear for miles.
Learn what SWR is before you ever use your radio to transmit. Listen all you want without transmitting, but you'll need to tune your antenna before transmitting. Keeping asking questions and googling. Good luck!
Antron 99. It IS a large antenna, but it's aesthetically easy on the eyes (and HOA), it's a very high quality antenna, and can be purchased for relatively cheap. If you're a craft person, you can find ways to hide and/or trick the eye with it's placement on your home.
Here's the Amazon link;
One last follow-up. Would any antenna be pretty much equivalent? For example, I saw this one on Amazon:
But it is much smaller than the one you linked to.
Your signal will be completely based on the antenna you use. I run my 980 with a Solarcon A-99. They can be had for under $100 on Amazon. I get excellent send and receive with great copies from distances up to 15 miles on normal AM. I have reached out over 100+ miles on lower sideband, barefoot (not amped). With a cheap amp and some good conditions, you could talk all over the nation, or even world.
Here's a link to the antenna
Solarcon A-99 CB Base Station Antenna
And a link to a cheap but solid amp... (if you're interested)
I bought used for my first radio, and knowing what I do now, I would have just bought a nice, new radio from the get go. The 980SSB is full featured, so all the spiffy do-dads that you will wish you had are already on it. Spend the money once, and you won't have to worry later. Also, read the reviews online. The Uniden has an excellent reputation.
Hope this info helps!
For about the same price of the Predator, you can get yourself an A99 on Amazon - - though if the Predator is what you already have on hand (or height is currently restricting), then why not..