this book changed the way I worked out entirely. If you can get past the insane ramblings of a prisoner the workouts are amazing and require no more than is available in solitary confinement.
Here's one by Charlie Bronson. Dunno how good it is but it seems to have pretty good reviews
Keeping fit is a lifestyle choice. you def do not need gym equipment but just the discipline to do so.
Check this book out from Charles Bronson, a prisoner that has spent years in solitary confinement yet kept very fit.
So if you've ever seen the movie Bronson with Tom Hardy, it's based off of a real british prisoner who spent MANY YEARS In solitary confinement. I don't know about now but at one point he had the world pushup record of like 160 under a minute or something... anyway He published a book while he was in there called "Solitary fitness". I bought it last winter when I didn't have a membership anywhere and it actually worked very well. Since you already have dumbells and pullup bars you are in great shape, but he only had his cell and a chair I think and he's in amazing shape. Lots of great workouts in there when you don't have much to work with.
Same way Charlie Bronson does it, I imagine. And Negan probably gets more/better food than Charlie did/does.
Also, the book Charlie wrote about this very thing:
It might be worth checking out a book Solitary Fitness - Charles Bronson
For the Americans out there... No not that Charles Bronson. This Charles Bronson is a British bare knuckle fighter and gangster who has spent most of his life in prison and most of that time in solitary confinement. Normally I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone with mental health issues as Bronson has quite a few himself (his autobiography is called "My Mad Life") and the book is a "interesting" when he is not talking about exercise
However he is supposed to be one of the fittest and strongest guys in Britain if not the world despite spending most of his time with no access to weights or anywhere to run etc.
Basically the program he lays out you can do in a solitary confinement cell with a chair, a table and bed frame and not much else and everything is bolted to the floor. If you are dedicated and more than a little obsessed... it certainly works.
Charles Bronson's Solitary Fitness is the shit. I've been using it religiously for over 9 months and I feel stronger than I have in years. Gyms are completely unnecessary for strength training.
Solitary Fitness! Mit 11€ bist du dabei… Solitary Fitness
Solitary Fitness
This author has some things to say about it. Start with his wiki, the man’s life is a rabbit hole.
Ok since you're on a budget, here are a few tips:
These two books will really get you started. You don't need a fancy gym--you can still work out hard and gain strength and fitness.
Best of luck
You can still work out from home. If you need some ideas then Charles Bronson wrote a workout book for prison cells. Should do the trick :)
Solitary Fitness by Bronson is a good read, I'd also look at /r/bodyweightfitness
You don't even need a gym honestly all you need is a mat, maybe a good sturdy bar or pipe and you should be fine:
If there is no decent equipment try something different?
If you don't have gym access Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson
The other members have given you pretty solid advice for beginning your journey.
Save your money and get a copy of Solitary Fitness
You have a ton of options.
Barbell work. You probably don't have one based on your post. If you do, check out the wiki.
Cardio. Check out C25k in the wiki. Its a basic running program that will slowly introduce you to distance running. Jumping rope is also solid. Stationary biking is pretty good too. Ellipticals are fairly useless unless youre injured.
Bodyweight. There are generally two schools of thought with bodyweight training; High rep and gymnastics. Gymnastics shit is like this. They have a solid routine over at /r/bodyweightfitness or this. On the other hand, there is doing high rep routines like doing hundreds of push ups. A solid routine is Charlie Bronson's Solitary Fitness written by none other than the infamous Charlie Bronson.
Depending on the workout, train alternating resistance and cardio or do 6 days of both. Charlie's book has you training 6 days a week while /r/bodyweightfitness has you training 3 days a week.
Charles Bronson's Solitary Fitness is all anyone needs. Old school.
This guy wrote a book on it (he's been in jail most of his life in solitary)
Charlie Bronson will save you! Pretty funny read too and has full plans on how to work every muscle of your body in a prison cell sized space with no equipment!