> terrorist attack committed by the Jewish man, Barack Goldstein
Baruch Goldshtein's acts were condemned by the vast majority of Israeli public and leadership, and he was not allowed to be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
The MAIN difference is within the internal reaction on each side when such an act is taken(i'm not even referring to the quantities of sporadic individual actions on each side or the death toll statistics).
On the Israeli side such acts are heavily condemned, and there are effortless attempt to bring the people responsible to justice.. while on the Palestinian side, such actions are encouraged by political leaders and relegious leaders.
>Believe me, no one wants to be a suicide bomber.
That is also very incorrect... watch this and this and this and actually there are dozens of videos and other testaments that we can learn from about the educational brainwash that the PLO and Hamas are taking childeren through that makes a 13yo and a 15yo stab and fatally wound two people(this happened just the other day in Jerusalem). You should also read this book written by the son of a Hamas leader and give a very accurate view of what Hamas is.
I hope this information was educational in some way.
His son is Anti Hamas and worked for Israeli intelligence and wrote this book about his experience.
You don't know much about Hamas. Your metaphor would work if the "little kid" also went home and beat his younger siblings and used them like a sociopath to get back at the "bully".
For a good look into Hamas read Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef.
Please source. Because I know people IN ISRAEL and they say that while Israel doesn't exactly roll out the red carpet for Palestinians, they are generally treated better than their behavior would call for, considering that palestinians kill israeli citizens on a regular basis for no reason other than that they are Israeli. Israelis kill palestinians too, but not in acts of terrorism. Usually its in retaliation for a palestinian attack and they try to focus on the aggressors (though they have had lots of collateral damage). The Palestinians on the other hand intentionally target unarmed civilians.
In my book, the guys who intentionally target the criminals, but sometimes accidentally kill civilians are better than the guys who intentionally target civilians and sometimes accidentally kill the soldiers.
That isn't to say that the current, divided state of Israel is a good thing, or that the Palestinians don't have some valid complaints, just to say that if they weren't actively trying to murder Israeli women and children their situation would probably be a lot better than it is. Hell, if the Mormons started violently murdering whole families, including infants, in the Midwest because they want their "own country" I would fully support fencing them into Utah and treating them like Israel treats the people in Gaza and the West Bank as well. I'd probably up their taxes too. (on an interesting note, the Mormons would have the exact same claim to the land that the Palestinians have to theirs as they lived there before it was part of America.) Note: I'm Mormon and I still would support this. You can't take a body of people who, any one of them, at any time, might up and try to murder a bunch of your people just cuz and let them be members of regular society. You just can't do that and preserve any sense of safety or sanity in your country.
Instead of sourcing you to the people I know, which would be anecdotal. Here's a valid source.
Because ignorant Reddittors aren’t aware that Israel was created as part of a partition plan approved by the UN, rejected by the Arab community. Instead, the Jewish population agreed to this, it was the Arab countries that said no and fought a war.
What? Is this not what you all thought happened? When you go to a casino and go all in and lose, do you demand your money back?
At the end of world war 2, Jewish people needed a place to go, and well, can you blame them for not wanting to live in countries that tried to commit genocide. The fact that nearly 2 of every 3 European Ashkenazic Jewish person was killed in such a small time period for no other reason than faith makes a group of people a little hesitant to trust outsiders. Arab (because “Palestinian” didn’t become a term used in the way it is today for the Arab population until the 1960’s for political reasons which is why the language of the partition refers to the population of British controlled mandatory Palestine as Arabs and not Palestinians despite their residency in that region… but there is debate among historians around the motivation behind much of this so read up) countries at the end of World War 2 expelled 700K Jewish people from their ancestral lands within their borders. Land swaps after wars is nothing new. So this UN partition of British land, with Jerusalem as an international shared city seemed agreeable. Hence, the agreement by the Jewish/Israeli side.
In 2011, President Abbas has even said that the rejection of the partition in the 1940’s was a mistake he wanted to rectify. It might be hard to say that Palestinian nationalistic movement that came post WW2 as related to nazism (allegory for the empire) except that the Muslim brotherhood fed Muslim fighters to nazi causes as much as 15K troops because of ties with the founder and Germany What? Ties between nazis right wingers and Arab Muslim right wingers?! But you all knew this, right?
Go read the texts from the time period. It wasn’t a heartfelt drive for the Arabs in the region that made these countries pushback at the international community, they simply didn’t want a Jewish state. The one Jewish state when there are many Muslim, Arab, Christian, Hindu, and other states in existence. But it’s the sole Jewish state that is the problem… notice anything here?
Where’s the outcry against the Jordanian treatment of Palestinians (2.1-3+ million living as refugees), 1 million in Syria and Lebanon (have you seen those camps? Can’t blame Israelis for the fact that in 2001, (Lebanese) Parliament passed a law prohibiting Palestinians from owning property, a right they had for decades), 750K in Saudi Arabia? These, often stateless people, don’t get articles written or memes around their struggle compared to when they can organize against the Jewish people. Hmmm, I wonder why…
While there are 600K Israelis living in West Bank (200K in East Jerusalem which was won during the 1967 war after a number of Arab countries lined up their armies to strike and try to eliminate Israel, to which Israel got the Sinai peninsula and subsequently gave it back even though Sinai peninsula is probably just as big or bigger than Israel proper), there are 250K Palestinians living in Israel. And, of those living in Israel, not all of them are so anxious to break away into a Palestinian state Link. In other words, it’s ok to have Arabs in Israel but not for Israelis in any other country nearby. That’s so liberal of everyone.
Israel also recognized Kurds as independent and even his holiness, the Dalai Lama said “Among Tibetan refugees we are always saying to ourselves that we must learn the Jewish secret to keep up our traditions, in some cases under hostile circumstances… Tibetans and Israeli’s want to live in peace.” So if anyone understands occupation and losing their homeland, it would be the person who is the head of a religion and was also the head of a country. Or are you redditors going to blame Tibet like you blame Israel? (There could be comparisons made between Han Chinese and Palestinians)
While the Palestinians have been good to frame themselves with left leaning liberal talking points, do you want to live where hamas and Islamic jihad, known terrorist organizations, use violence and sacrifice their own through suicide bombings and using children as human shields? Even their own family wants out (Son of hamas)
Has anyone asked why a court case is now bringing all of this up? Anything to do with the elections scheduled for May 22, 2021 ? Oh wait, those got delayed, again? Is that a bug or a feature? Perhaps hamas didn’t think they’d win against 37+ parties running?
Israel may not be perfect, but I’m sure I don’t have to remind the redditors who defend Palestinians unflinchingly that president Abbas’s 4 year term was up 11 years ago. Israel has had gays in the military far longer than the USA, free healthcare, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rule of law (Israeli soldiers have been held liable for wrongful deaths in greater numbers than police in America… there have been more Arabs on the Israeli Supreme Court than on the melting pot of America’s SCOTUS).
You have on the Palestinian side refugees (first time that has been passed down to a second generation) that has a political power base that uses charged sentiments like the GOP does with claims of migrant caravans. And right around election time… coincidence?
So after 1948, 1950’s, 1967, 1973, and so on, Palestinian terrorist groups couldn’t defeat Israel, this is the new approach. Convince the left liberals of the world that they are defenseless and blameless. That BDS can solve it (oh yeah? You still use Waze? Or Google? Sodastream? Does Saudi Arabia or China (see Tibet) get similar treatment?). If you lived in a country smaller than the state of New Jersey, surrounded by countries that hate you and have attacked you countless times, that won’t negotiate with you in good faith because that means actually recognizing Israel as a state (hamas charter denies recognition of Israel… you think negotiations between democrats and republicans is difficult!).
If you support BDS, then you can’t support a two-state solution. I want to see a thriving free Palestine living alongside a prosperous Israel. If you follow the logic of BDS, you want to cripple Israel thinking that it will somehow inspire negotiations to resume? Why? Wouldn’t that make negotiations less likely? Those supporters want Palestinians to have a “right to return” to Israel itself in exchange for what? And if they succeed, and over time outnumber Jewish Israelis, well, then when the next election comes about (since Israel is a democracy unlike the other countries surrounding) there would be no more Israel, and it seems like that is the point. Just another way to get rid of Israel. But it’s not because they’re Jewish, right? Right?
So by stalling, holding onto power based in vitriolic anti-Semitic violence, terrorism, rockets that hit many Arab Israelis, leaders who refuse to accept negotiated deals such as the 2008 negotiations which gave 90%+ of what they want to Palestinians and was still rejected - I haven’t heard Tibet getting any offers of sovereignty at all, have you? (Remember: the unilateral disengagement by Israel in 2005 where they left the Gaza Strip, you know, where they are now firing rockets from… Go read up on Israel's withdrawal, where on September 12 Palestinian crowds entered the settlements - these were places where Israeli military went in and forcibly removed Israelis - waving PLO and hamas flags, firing gunshots into the air and setting off firecrackers, and chanting slogans. Radicals among them desecrated 4 synagogues as the world's cameras rolled as destroyed homes were ransacked. Hamas leaders held celebratory prayers in Kfar Darom synagogue as mobs continued to ransack and loot synagogues. Palestinian Authority security forces did not intervene, and announced that the synagogues would be destroyed. Less than 24 hours after the withdrawal, Palestinian Authority bulldozers began to demolish the remaining synagogues. Hamas took credit for the withdrawal, and one of their banners read: 'Four years of resistance beat ten years of negotiations.’)
To sum up: so why negotiate for peace when they don’t have any reason to? They have this PR game locked down and Reddit is apparently falling for it.
I’m going to wait to see all the enlightened people here start setting a good example for the rest of the world and reflect the justice and fairness you’re all feeling for the Palestinians and want to take away Israelis’ and their rights in their own country. You all are going to start giving your home (those living in the USA) to Native Americans, right? You mean despite America being less-than-perfect having had years of right wing liars it’s not enough to say get rid of America itself? So it’s only Israel that is being held to this standard. I see. And it’s definitely not because they’re Jewish, right? Sure… ok. Just a coincidence.
Let the downvotes come. If I inspire one person to get more educated on this, I’ve more than won. Stop listening to liberal sounding talking points and think, this is a deeply complex and nuanced subject. Investigate for yourself. Go read up on the history and think of how the real world works and you are going to be incredibly surprised by all the things these fools leave out when discussing this topic.