Hey all, as promised:
Part 1 is FREE from today to the end of tomorrow. Enjoy!
Hi fantasy fans. Wanted to stop by and hopefully not make too much of a fool of myself as I attempt to attract some attention for my new dark fantasy series called the Sons of Trillion
I’m a fan of many genres to be honest, but having tried my hand at sci-fi, mystery thrillers and paranormal stories, I do believe I have found my wheelhouse in fantasy.
Admittedly I’ve always been fascinated with the darker characters in stories; their backstories to be precise. What made them that way? Are they ever conflicted? Do they believe what they are doing is for the greater good or is their soul motivation simply driven by a total lack of empathy? Further to this, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to write or read a story from the perspective of one of these characters. To see them born, watch them grow and eventually twist into the evil that everything else fears and loathes, whilst at the same time holding fast to the concept that perhaps there’s a slither of good still within that will see them redeemed. This was the goal for Sons of Trillion. I wanted to delve into a character like this and see how their story would shape and unfold.
It’s taken me three years to write and polish the first three parts, (I normally aim to write and release a story a year) but this time around I wanted to hold off till the first three were complete before I made its debut. So that is exactly what I did, and I’m very pleased to have finally released the fruit of that effort.
This is why I’m here. I’m looking to find an audience who hopefully find my writing style, along with my story enjoyable and interesting. I rarely attain much feedback, but in truth I’ve not really reached out before with any concerted effort. Too afraid I guess of finding out that I suck as a writer / story-teller. Still, here I am, a writer just wanting to know if he is worth his salt or at the very least, perhaps just a pinch.
The first part is $0.99/£0.99 right now, but if you are at all interested in giving it a look-see it’s going to be free from Sunday 9th/10th of July. So please feel free to hold off till then before you snag a copy if you are willing to give it a try. I truly am looking for review feedback, good or bad, which is why I’m making it free for a limited time so people can experience the first part and get a taste before biting and devouring it whole.
With any luck I’ll see you on Talos. Goodbye for now.