I just replaced mine this fall with this one of amazon and it's worked great so far. Fit right in no hassles at all. Engine temp stays a solid 5-10 degrees cooler now.
Put in a stock Spectra-Premium radiator, you don't need none of that fancy "upgrade" shit: https://www.amazon.com/Spectra-Premium-CU1193-Complete-Radiator/dp/B000C7S062
For the water pump I've found Gates to be a trustworthy brand, I put one in 2 years ago and haven't had a problem with it.
I got this one off amazon and have been super happy with it. Dropped right in, noticeable drop in engine temp on the highway.
I bought this one in an 01 Sport. Worked fine. It's a little more but free shipping. I am a fan of Rockauto though. Good company.
I just tossed this RAD in mine, and it's working great so far. From what I've read, there's no need to go with a more expensive one.