When I work out I generally drench my clothes then they sit all day in my car trunk while I’m at work. They’re about as bad /smelly as they can get.
I tried many things and nothing worked until I came across Atsko Sport Wash on Amazon.
Here is my secret: I mix one serving of Atsko + one serving of my regular laundry detergent.
This combination works flawlessly and my clothes smell great.
Im probably too late on this one but I can't believe I didnt see anyone post sport wash. I'm a fitness instructor that teaches classes in heated rooms. This works.
Fill arm & hammer detergent to the normal line. Top off with sport wash to the max line. Run on cold with an extra rinse.
IMPORTANT SCENT FREE IS NOT FRAGRANCE FREE. Scent free uses chemicals to mask the smells. Fragrance free has no fragrances.
I use a sport wash which I get at Amazon and the the link is below. Borax is a great additive it helps the soap do the job. As others mentioned use vinegar instead of fabric softener.
I fill up a 5 gallon bucket with water, toss in my hammock into the bucket, and agitate the heck out of my hammock in the bucket, dump the water out and do it all over again with clean water. I then hang my hammock up to dry.
I have also used a little less than a cap full of sport wash and soaked my hammock too when I had sport wash. https://www.amazon.com/SPORT-WASH-LAUNDRY-DETERGENT-64/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=pd_sbs_1/137-6268744-0885741
Wash em rarely unless I'm doing some smelly activity. Just hang dry after wearing with normal usage and good to go next day. Wash with formula-sport Wash laundry detergent. Hang dry and good 2 go.
They also make detergent specifically for performance clothing! I like to use this one. A capful goes a long way. No odor, residue, and I air dry my clothes but doesn’t get stiff. I also use it with down jackets (detergents will make the feathers clump inside together making them less warm).
Atsko sport wash, youre welcome. 64 loads for under 20 dollars and it works wonders on anything smelly. I always do a load or two of regular laundry with it before washing my technical pieces so it can remove any residue built up in my washer from other deterents.
Use this on my synthetic base layers. Should be fine for tech garments but I have never had the balls to try it. I just follow Arc guidelines to a T.
Glad we made pants that fit the bill. Thanks for looking!
We vetted a lot of options when choosing this fabric, and it came down to what was the best for the job. This fabric has a nice hand, a burly texture, and more stretch than it's 2% elastane would make you think - so we went for it. Also, we want to use 100% eco-friendly materials as soon as we can, and polyester is much easier to source recycled. Because of the blend and it being 60% natural fibers, I haven't noticed any odor in mine over the last year. Pro tip though, buy some of this stuff for your stinky synthetics. Game changer.
If your size is 30, we may be getting one back in stock via exchange tomorrow. Also, our 30-33 runs slimmer than most pants and I'd encourage you to try a 31 if you're at all on the line. I'm happy to return for a refund if they don't fit! As far as a restock, we're looking to place another order within a month, but they won't be in stock until mid-late Fall. At that time, we'll be using organic cotton, recycled poly, and offering at least two inseam lengths (30, 32, and 34 if all goes well). We're also experimenting with double folded cuffs that can be let out for a longer inseam. In which chase we'd do a 30/32 inseam and a 32/34 inseam.
Thanks for the kind words! I'm always down to talk about this stuff.
I have a very similar scratch on my saddle (which I later super glued together. It left a little bump due to the dried glue in which I scraped off, but I've never had any issues with the saddle scratching up my bibs.
I'll take the different approach and say it may not be the saddle, but the quality of your bibs and the way you're washing them? A lot of friends buy DHB bibs which are pretty damn awesome bibs for the price you pay, but after a year of wear and wash, the material starts to fade. I've asked them and one of the bags the bib and throws it in the wash, the other does. BOTH do not use athletic apparel laundry detergent. I can't say it will solve your issue, but it's something you can consider since a can isn't that expensive.
My New Ways have no issues like this. If I were you I'd try washing with sport wash.
I wash all of my clothing with this, not just my technical items. It's especially effective at cleaning garments with a DWR treatment. It's also nice because it rinses completely clean. It's helped get tattoo ink out of my Merino/Co shirts that even the dry cleaner couldn't get out.
I'm always an advocate for sport wash it seems to work especially well on double weave clothing. Try pre-treating the sticky spots first, then washing it alone.
Good luck!
have you tried any sports washes?
I've had great luck with this one from Amazon
Works well for clothes and I would assume shoes.
SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_HHF2RTN3E8YR0NFPBS80
Synthetics and blends grab and hold oils and odors. You could try washing with Sportwash. You don’t have to use a lot and it takes odors out of fabrics (like those synthetic wicking athletic fabrics). It’s completely unscented. Hunters use it to get the human smell off of their clothes (I’ve read, I’m not a hunter). You can wash down with it, too. I use this on some of my own laundry, but it might be pricey to be doing loads of sheets with it.
I only have 100% cotton sheets. I have gotten them from The Company Store, closeout colors (any pastels, dark colors show stains easier). They sell flat & fitted separately, so you can buy only what you need. 200-300TC is best (they have more stiffness, not so silky and clingy, like higher TC). I’ve also stocked up on a bunch of flannel (100% cotton) from MW, or sometimes you can find deals at the club stores (Costco, SAMs). You can sometimes find good close out deals on 100% cotton at BB&B, + stacking your coupons. My sheets have lasted for years and years with hot wash & dry (no bleach, no scents, no fabric softener, I err on the side of hypoallergenic as possible). I have a laundry service and they cater to these requests.
I mainly use Biotone dual-purpose and Soothing Touch nut-free massage oil (it is “water dispersable” & washes out of sheets). I also don’t use much oil or cream with my style of bodywork. I like to get just enough glide and just enough grip to move the tissue. My clients don’t feel like they have to rush home to shower afterwards (I’ve gotten many compliments over the years about this).
It could be your sheets (the make-up of the fabric), it could be your laundering, it could be what you use to massage with, or any combination of the three.
The real answer
Check this out on Amazon SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_4TZB4B12SSP1H7E99R0V
Sport Wash saved my gym clothes!! I can’t recommend it enough!! SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J20JBVRBJWBFSBM5MT3J
I use this on synthetics:
Try getting this: SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CSGD4PEV8QJTNCZGHWWC
I know the smell. This got it out of my clothes.
This stuff saved my workout clothes!! AMAZING https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_05C5GHZKDVC5F479JTGX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Try sportwash:
SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OPJ5OW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_BNzSFb161S1VM
I just started using SPORT WASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT 64 fl oz
Scentless, cleans very well.
I use this on the delicate cycle after every ride. It's worked well for me for getting out the smell. (mud and blood, not so much): https://www.amazon.com/SPORT-WASH-LAUNDRY-DETERGENT-64/dp/B001OPJ5OW
I've been using this detergent for a few weeks now:
It has worked for me.
If you are wanting an economical solution for lots of items, you should go with this. It's enough for 64 loads. It's also good for DWR on rain jackets.